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EDWARDS Edward a:edwards edward|k:0271 (4)
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Author: EDWARDS (Edward)
J4ctEJQt1cb1 EDWARDS (Edward) A.R .A. Anecdotes of painters who have resided or been born in England, with critical remarks on their productions...Intended as a continuation: to the Anecdotes of Painting, by...Horaoe, Earl of Orford. [With a biographical account of the author.] pp. viii. + xxxix. + 32?. Portrait. [Li.] 4° London, 1808.
Card ID: 256
b EDWARDS (Edward), A-t-’ A Praotical treatise of perspeotive on the principles of Dr. Brook Taylor...Seoond edition. pp. xii. + 313. Figires. [L.I.J 40• Lona.on, 1806.
Card ID: 257
c ________ EDWARDS (Edward), ookseller, of Shrewsbury. Parlianentary elections of the borough of Shrewsbury, from 123 to 189. Originally published in the Shr’ewsbury Chronicle. if. 50. Illustrations. 4°. Shrewsbuy, 1859. Printed on one side of th paper n1y.
Card ID: 258
Porteus Library 51 EDWARDS (Edward), of Lianurmor. The Socratic system of morals, as delivered in Xenophonvs Memorabilia. [By E.Edwards.) Londonaand Oxford, 1773. See XENOPHON, The Historian. LMemorabilia. Appendix. I
Card ID: 265