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EAD William a:an william|k:it (william) (3)
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EAD, William
EAD, Thomas William
Author: EAD (William)
WI{ITiEAD (William), Seoretr t the Hon. Or&er Q.f the Bath. The Roman father: a tragedy,in five acts. LONDON STAGE. The London stage, Vol. 3. Londox, 1 824—271.
Card ID: 388
Author: EAD (Thomas William)
DEPOS ITO WOODLiEAD (Thomas William). Climate, vegetation and man in the Hucldersfield district: being a brief explanation of the models in Room I, geology. LWith a bibliography.) (& Tolsor Memori Muse tions: Handboç, . pp. 47. djarams,maps_and table. 8°. dersfie1d, 1931.
Card ID: 251
Author: EARCOURT (William)
EARCOURT (William), Jesuit. 6ee WHITE, alias ITEB?EAD (T.), Jesuit. The Tryals and condemnation of T. White... W.Harcourt.. .J.Fenwick, J.Gavan. • .and A.Turner...for high treason, 1679.
Card ID: 243