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E or a:e or|k:on (e) (1978)
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E, •
E, or
E, (
E, August e de
E, Jane
E, Russell
E, Lonis-
ML, e
E, Leiv
E, Peter
E, Jacob
E, Gerald
E, Guiianie
E, Robert
E, Roger
E, Frank
E, William
E, John
J, e
E, Constance
E, midair
E, James
E, Jobzi
E, Joseph
E, Madeleine
E, Jules
E, Armand
E, Andr
E, Nicolas
E, Beatrice
E, Gesare
E, François
E, Pierre
E, Loii
E, Ernest
E, Jean
E, Guy
E, Claude
E, ViThelrn
E, Helmut
E, Erich
E, Roland
E, Isaac
E, Andreas
E, Gunnar
E, Raymond
E, Bertil
E, Clemens
E, Nernian
E, Luig
E, Hans
E, Luoien
E, Heinrich
E, Dietrich
E, Mary
E, Andrew
E, Edmund
E, aenri
E, Myrrha
E, Walter
E, SernaM
E, c
E, Michael
E, Jilhelm
E, Wilhelm
E, Vihem
E, Rithard
E, Vincent
E, R
E, Thrèse
E, vi
E, Wynyard
E, Ferdinand
E, Hartmut
E, Kenneth
E, Thomas
E, flicol
E, Thomas,
E, Aexnthe
E, Ruth
E, MAssAcHusTs
E, MAssAcHusETs
E, Manuel
E, Paul
E, Joannes
E, Paolo
E, monias
E, Thonns
E, Susanna
E, Suanna
E, Alexandre
E, Baldassare
E, du
E, Wiiari
E, sugne
E, Ella
E, Bracy
E, Helon
E, ThsE:
E, Gustave
E, Hubert
E, Williaxa
E, David
E, Thophie
E, Basil
E, Georges
E, Alfred
E, George
E, SteDhen
E, Benedetto
E, Franoes
E, Marya
E, Charlea
E, Charles
E, Clemence
E, Helen
E, Daniel
E, Joseth
E, Yves
E, Floris
E, Gerain
E, Hippolyte
E, Hidegrd
E, Frances
E, Edward
E, evié
E, Jruno
E, Ahulle
E, Alexander
E, Antoine
E, Hugo
E, BonaRny
E, Bonarny
E, TbeooruB
E, Vera
E, Oon
E, Hilda
E, Ursula
E, Gerznaine
E, Aexandr
E, Daniol
E, Franz
AND, George E
E, Anita
E, Guido
E, Henri
E, Heflri
E, Anne
E, Andre
E, Octave
E, icuno
E, Fu!
E, Fulk
E, Campbell
E, Youry
E, Leon
E, Theoor
E, Theodor
E, Samuel
E, cert
E, Dion
E, Eduard
E, Einar
E, Graoe
E, Friedrich
E, Gilberto
E, Paulo
E, Louis
E, Otto
E, ThSophile
E, Ohros
E, Johames
E, Cunningham
E, de
E, Isidore
E, Giovanni
E, Boger
E, Bertrand
E, Catherine
E, Joim
E, Henry
L, e
E, Jacobus
E, Cr
E, pc
E, Gopa
E, Barnaby
E, Gilbert
E, flne
E, ames
E, ?obert
E, CJ,
E, Sten
E, Doria
E, Nathan
E, Marius
E, JohrLip
E, Frenc is
E, ret
A(E, Richard
E, Nathaniel
E, Meinrich
E, lieinrioh
E, Heinrieh
E, Hcmich
E, Oskar
E, Carl
E, Eilert
E, Lon
E, Herrnanxi
E, Hermann
E, Hermaun
E, Fritz
E, Aired
E, An
E, Charle
E, Christopher
E, Josiah
E, Karl
E, Clarenoe
E, un
E, Ellic
E, Richard
E, DavId
E, Wifliam
E, Wentwortki
E, Douglas
E, Casper
E, Werner
E, silvia
E, Kenri
E, Bridle
E, iAward
E, Hiic
E, Janies
E, Perciv
E, Rend
E, Stanlsius
E, Alexis
E, Renee
E, GeorCe
KENNT, ;it e
E, Ulrich
E, Waither
E, Ludwig
E, Oswald
E, Barry
E, Philippe
E, irdrie
E, Jaeques
E, ranois
E, Wullain
E, Rose
E, rt
E, Antonin
E, Frederic
E, Evelyn
E, Léon
E, Heiiri
E, Albert
E, FrancIs
E, Vernon
E, Frédric
E, Raoul
E, Carlo
E, ?laurice
E, Mrce
E, Dana
E, Rlcardo
E, ,rtlmer
E, Geoffrey
E, Marguerite
E, Norman
E, Achifle
E, Qerhard
E, Gerharci
E, Martin
E, Oliver
E, Geoffrej
E, Ecmund
E, Thomzs
E, Alcide
E, Claire
E, Duncan
E, Jacques
E, nile
E, Gordon
E, Harold
E, Douis
E, Stphane
E, Edmond
E, Jorge
E, Herbert
E, Ludvig
E, christopher
E, Henrie
E, Jasper
E, Kurt
E, Rerman
E, Herman
E, Allan
E, Prosper
E, prosper
E, Prosrer
E, Marcus
E, Adeiheid
E, Melbeid
E, Gaspard
E, Miahe
E, Bugeriio
E, Alberto
E, Harry
E, Nicbos
E, Stanley
E, Ian
E, Christian
E, Aexnider
E, Fridtjof
E, pea
E, Jacqucs
E, douard
E, Edourd
E, Alan
E, Thiil
E, Berthe
E, Eberhard
E, Luxmoore
E, Pail
E, Edgar
E, Iichard
E, Amelia
E, Nicølas
E, icoas
E, May
E, Francis
E, Lloyd
E, Ellen
E, Frederio
E, pierre
E, Xauran
E, liartyn
E, Mihse
E, Ronald
E, iem
E, Willern
E, Denedictus
E, Toseph
E, HéThne
E, Ippolito
E, Augute
E, Someret
E, Iuoion
E, Johra
E, rgaret
E, Pc
E, Irving
E, wilhelm
E, Angelo
E, JarneB
E, Kathleen
OF, Johan:e
E, Julien
E, Amdée
E, Amde
E, Josette
E, wientirie
E, Barvaby
E, Cuno
E, base
A, Santia€e
E, Senjawin
E, mie
E, cristian
E, Cei
E, Arnoict
E, Rudolf
E, Elizabeth
E, JGsiah
E, Maurice
E, Aciarn
E, Abreham
E, Klau
E, Josef
L, E
E, Johann
E, Gudmund
E, JIrgen
E, Arveds
E, January
E, Beniamino
E, Elkanah
E, Wiiiirn
E, Wilhieizi
E, WiUiam
E, TJjJjm
E, Wiiarn
E, ‘Nilliani
E, Wiia
E, Wiiiian
E, Wililoin
E, Wiilim
E, Wiliati
E, iiiiam
E, Wim
E, Williani
E, wifliam
E, William,
E, Wiim
E, Wilhiazn
E, Wiiliam
E, william
E, ViiaLn
E, WIllam
E, Wiiijj
E, Wirn
E, Igxiazio
E, Emile
E, inie
E, Arnolds
E, Cce
E, Frarz
E, Gisela
E, Laurence
E, laurence
E, Isabella
E, Melicent
E, Adolf
E, ronathañ
E, wiuiam
E, Anneliese
E, loand
E, M
E, Vic
E, Benjamin
E, Franois
E, Hercules
E, Arthur
E, HanE
E, Nieol
E, Gabriel
E, Thorlac
E, Vij
E, Willermus
T, e
E, Emilio
E, Maxdé
E, Walton
E, Jt
E, Françoise
E, Gil
E, Leone
E, Gideon
E, Ernst
E, Joan
E, orace
E, alfred
E, Arnalie
E, ?elix
E, Horst
E, Viiai
E, Jerfry
E, Je
LIJMLEY, Frederick E]iiioz’e
ABBOTT, E&,in Abbott,
E, Rudoiph Radama von
E, Jane Henrietta
E, Philippe d’
E, ma Margarete
E, Edmond d’
E, Adrian ci’
E, Andr Marie
E, Jean Jacques
E, Jacob, called SCH
E, Marie henri di
ARNOLD, ,!E Edwin
E, Charles Robert
E, Edmund William
AUGER, Athanes e
E, Ricardus d’
E, Clarence Fdwjn
E, Benarnin Franklin
E, Edward Gilpin
BALZAC, Honoré e
E, Thodore de
BABBEY, renlel E
E, Mary Arnie
EYER, ie
E, Janes MatThew
E, j Junes Matthew
E, j James A&hew
E, Harry John
BATZ, Jean e
E, Charlea Pierre
E, charles Pierre
E, Charles Pierre
E, Cherles Pierre
E, William Threpland
E, Marc Antoine
E, Nathaniel Thomas Haynes
E, Flornnond de
E, ixohiba]A prank
I, E€bertus Narie
E, William Ernest
E, Pierr de
LOWNDES, Maz’±e Adelaide
E, oeorg Friedrich
E, Philippe de
E, William ienry
BIRCH, Walter e Gray
BIRCR, Walter e Gray
E, Sir iilciiard
E, Richard Doddridge
E, Tessa Ann Vopez
E, William Garden
T(E, Robert
E, racques fmiie
E, Wilhelm Johann Eugen
E, Ralph Upshaw
E, Roger John
BLUN, Richard and BIJJM, E
E, Carlos Giii
E, Jbhann Elert
E, Heinrich Christien
E, Pierre de
E, Jean François
E, Louis Lucien
E, Francois de
E, Joseph Pierre
BOS, Aiphons e
E, Sisir KUniar
BOSWQRTR, Oeorg-e Frederick
BOUDIN, Am&i&e
E, René tie is
LE, Jeru- Baptit,e
E(KOpe Lilin
E, Jenes Ernest
E, Hon Robert
E, Mieczysza’,c
E, Willie un
BRIDGETT, Thomas E dward
BRIIIOTH, Yng’e Torgny
E, Percival John
E, Rupert Chawner
E, Edwin Cornelius
BROQUEVILLE, Charles c’e
E, Edwin Leece
E, Hablot Knight
E, Miry Boyles
E, Ray Broadus
E, Sir Thomas
E, j Thomas
BBOWLEE, Willlan E{ügi
BRUEYS, David Augustixl e
BRUNR, Heinrich E!nil
E, Theodore Alois William
E, John Baldwin
E, John Badwn
E, John Baldtiin
E, Joirn BalcWin
BURY, Henri Blaze &e
JSSET, Jacques e Bourbon
E, Tiohola urray
E, flaltord Dudley
CABAL, liuo iaton’e
E, Victor Harrison
E, William proston
CAEON, Maria Geertruia;’e
E, AsSAcIusi]?Ts
CAMPION, Alexanth’e de
E, Rocco and GRUNELLI, Antcnio
E, Benjamin earney
E, Jane esh
E, Jane Welsh
E, Jane Weleh
E, Louis de
E, Thomas Francis
E, William Douglas
E, rnpbrey Gilbert
L(c- c:E
CASTLE, Wiian E’nest
E, Da’vid
SAAVEDRA, Miguel e
E, Raffaele de
INA, Gutien’e de
E, Robert dc
E, Thomas Wightmari
N, Roland E
E, Sheldon Warren
E, Dorothy Frances
E, Thomas Kelly
E, Sir William Watson
E, Richard Copley
E, Louis Mathurin oreau—
E, Non Arthur
E, Walter McLernan
E, L o
CLARK, Cilffrrd E
E, George Herbert
E, John Henry
CLAY, ifliaca ea!e
E, Sir James
E, George Douglas Howard
E, Grenvjfle Arthir James
E, Percival Richard
E, Samuel Taylor
E, Guido deile
E, George Albert
E, mipert Croft-
E, Franoi douard JoacMm
E, Fraxçois douárd oachImr
E, Simone Rihouet-
MORI, E:nilio
OUGJY, Edm e
COULTOI, Geor€e Gordon
JRTNAY, William &e
E, Pieter Johennes
E, John Reiman
E, George Oliver
RY, E,sene
E, John’DuncanRilarius
LS, E’ranols Potter
E, wimeim and JEI, Kurt
MUSMONT, Franc e Wright
E, Harzy Liewelyn
DAVIS, Thomas,Qsôn-e
E, Emilie Charlotte
E, suzanne DuBs art-
E, Walter John
E, Waiter John
E, Walter Jobn
E, Joan Baptiste Joseph
E, John Thadeus
SOLAVY, Oharl e a touis
E, James Robert
E, Jean-Marie
DOUGLAS, Charles E
E, : Arthur Conan
E, &r Arthur Conan
DRA(E, iranois
E, Augusta Theodosia
DRUCKER, Peter ?e±’dinand
REYMOND, Enil Heinrich
E, Henri Marie
IE, Alexanth’e
E, Finley Páter
E, George Harold
E, James Heyworth-
E, James Heyworth—
E, Sidney Campbefl
E, John Pies{on
E, Sir Lionel
EARLY, Richard E
ELIOT, ueorg e
E, wiii±am
E, Jas Robert
E, bert Russel
E, Beatrice Crojrie
E, Katharine Aaa
E, Sir George
EVANS, George E(art
T, arnu e
E, Rhodes Whitmore
E, John Archibald
FARINA, Salvatoz’e
FARIS, Robert E • Leo
E, Henry Brougham
E, Armand Prosper
FERGON, E’uene Iaflcroz
E, AndrS Marie Jean
E, Johann Gottlieb
E, iobert llerndon
E, Ot-bo Jack
E, iriedric kieriann
E, Harris Francis
E, William George Dimock
E, Wiiaxi Younger
E, Wrbert Jom
E, Louis Fernrid
E, Louis-Fernaxid
FOLIGNO, Cesax’e
E, Juan Carlos Gômez
E, me odor
E, Roy Anderson
OWLE, Frederick E’ene
FOWLER, E{enry Watson
E, John Sharmari
IREDERICI, E’ortunato
IE, Siu’nd e
E, Anselmo Braamcamp
E, sir Sydney Robert
E, William Edwara
E, Ernest Reginald
GADDESDEN, Joannos e
E, Jacob Eugene
GNEAU, Joffi-e
E, Walter Eryce
GALIO, Afono Garc{e
ELIN, iauric e Gustave
E, Albert Pen Syck
IGNE, Gor€e
GEJLKE, Obarles E],ner
E, Erik Oustaf
E, Sir Archibald
E, Ro€er
E, Julius von
E, Gai and TITTWNN, Julius
E, Carl and TITTMANN, Julius
E, Catharina Jisabetha
E, Johann Wolfgang von
E, Johann Wolrgang von
E, Johann Wogang von
E, Johami Wofgrig von
E, Johann Wofn von
E, Johuxin Wolfgang von
E, Johann WolfgEmg vor
E, Johann Wolfgaig von
E, Johann Woltgang von
E, Joharm Wolfgang von
E, Johann Woigan von
E, Johann Wolfgang voi
E, Johaiui Wolfgaig von
E, Johzln Wolfgang von
E, Tohann iofgang von
E, Johsnn Wolfgang von
E, Johann Wofgan von
E, Johann wofgng von
E, Johann Wofang von
E, Jonn Wotgan von
E, Johann Wolfgang vçn
E, Johann Wolfgang eon
E, Joharn WoTang von
E, Johann ofgang von
E, Johann worexig von
E, Johann ‘Iofgang von
E, Johann WoUgang von
E, Johann Wofgmg von
E, Johann woltgang von
E, Alice Bertha
E, krnolci Wycombe
E, Sir George Laurence
GONCOIJBT, Jules Alfred e
E, Luis de
E, George Peabody
GOODRICH, E thsir Stephen
I, Giusep,e
E, Catherine Crace Frances
E, Sir Edmund William
GRO, Enilio
E, Grsam
E, Renry ?ther
E, Thomas McLernon
E, Francis Henry
E, Prancie Henry
GROOT, Hugo e
E, John Burdon Sanderson
E, John Scott
E, Richard Burcion
E, Richard Burden
E, Edward Everett
E, William Green
E, Henri van
E, Thomas Benfield,
E, Thomas Benfield
E, Joiua cordon
E, Negley Boyd
E, Harold Dexter
E, Heiru-ich
E, HeIm,’ich
LER, E cnund
BENUY, Francis Geor,e
E, Alan Patrick
E, George Couehai
E(Wiiarn Best
E, Christian Gottlob
E, Burke Aaron
E, Samuel John Gurney
E, hares Janee
E, Arthur Norman
EATJX, Naurlo e
E, Charles Geoffrey
E, OIjer Wendell
E, Daniel Dunglass
E, Gordon Coobrane
E, Jean Théophile
E, iiue ñenrd
E, Sir Joseph Dalton
HORN, Ernest
PNE, ?e,-Yte
E, Herbert Pete’-
E, Richard Hcngst
E, Edwri nde
E, Leon van
HOVAHD, Geore Devine
E, George Melvyn
E, M&irie Jenney
E, Richard Birch
E, George Roynirzen
E, Edward iasiin
LM, F E&’rard
E, Thorna Lloyd
E, Aex&er
E, Martin Andrew Shar’
E, Robert irneet
E, j Aubrey
E, Sir illiw Liilson
E, EiLspeth Josceline
E, Douglas Arnold
E, Fernando Disz
E, Davj& Alan
E, Frederick Robert
E, helen Douglas
E, Arcthibard William Henrr
E, Johannes Vilhelm
E, Jerome Klapka
E, Jerorie aapka
E, William George Hylton
JONES, Frederick E •
E, Robxt; ater
E, James Ausustine Aloysius
E, Franz Wilhelm
E, George William Clarkeon
E, Augustus Henry
E, David Deady
E, Neil Patrick
E, Chare Haines
E, Richard de
ILLY, James Fitzrnaurio e
E, John Philip
E, Harald Henrik Sager
E, Wredr:Lc von
RKFGAARD, Sren Aaby-e
E, ltYilliam Spaulding
KITTON, Frederic Georte
E, Camiilo von
E, Carl Paul
E, alter
E, Bernhard von
E, Dimitri Paviovitch
E, Earl Ernst
E, Jean de
E, Claude de
CHAUSS, Miohel Arie e
E, Charles Iarie ae
E, Pierre d’
E, Robert Marion
E, Jean do
E, ari Ludovic Chrtien
E, Marie Luovic Cbrtien
E, Olivier cle
E, Edward William
IUS, E’auius
E, Fx’anqois de
LAPORTA, Raffae]e
PORTE, Joseph e
E, ‘Pierre de
E, Pierre cle
E, Daniel de
E, Mirie Sophie von
E, Marcus Dwight
E, Charles Vincent do
E, Edgar Aubert de
E(Antoirie de
E, Jean- DDminue
E, Blaise do
E, Grant Henry
L( rJp, Fei’e
ER, Toofi e
E, David Herbert
E, Evid Herbert
LANC, Gbrie e
I, Joan ‘ptist,e
E, dward Sample
E, Georges Charles
E, Jules Françoi
E, Johia Lawrcnce
E, Mehard de
LEES, Gebr:e* freueric
E, Jean Baptiste
E, Denis Joseph Claude
E, iichari Thomas
E, Adrian Marie
WPT, Hmut Emil e
LEIBNIZ, E{ermann Mater—
E, Nicolas oi
E, Kubert de
E, Claae de
E, Pierre do
E, Jean Antoine
LEVINE, E]na Simon
LEWIS, Edward E
E, Gordon Rowland
T, Simon François e
E, Arthur Gotfred
TEIN, E’rich
E, Jacques de
LIN(E, Karl
E, Heinrich You
E, Andrew George
E, irthur I
E, Bryan Desmond Greenway
E, Esther Louise
E, David and, Charles
LOIRA, Vasco e
LOCKE, Geor€e Herbert
E, Earl Granger
E, Sir Oliver Joseph
E, William John
E, Jean Louis de
BRIZWIE, Louis Henri e
LOTT, Robert E
E, KEN’ruciI
E, Jean Eaptiste
E, Chuan-Hwi
E, Edward Joseph
E, Robert John Gordon
E, Wilhelm Meyer—
LUKE, E Harry Charles
JJSSY, Florence c]e
E, Joseph Leycester
E, Henry Chirchi laxwell
E, Ernest William
E, Jcaeph rtin
E, Joseph Martin
JE, E±mzrid
D, Geor,e
E, Sir William
E, Ian Dairymple
E, William ttrley Punshoft
E, Harry Dunlap
E, John Edward
E, Ia Cecilia
E, Mar€aret Day
E, Agnes Mure
E, Donald Alexander
E, jr James
E, John Stuart
E, John Whitefoord
E, Kenneth Edvard
E, William soutar
E, Robert Fergus
E, Kenneth Douglas
E, William Cannor
M(E, Bernard
E, do, eya
MAISTRE, Joseph Marie e
E, Xavier do
MAJOR, Eleanor E
E, Marie de
ANN, Prank Charlo e
ROLLES, Michel e
ALL, Geor,e Wiim
Z, Ector Burbano
E, imnanue de
E, tasi,er
E, Arnold Harris
NDER, E Walter
E, Frederick Ivor
E, August Liebmann
E, Robert Grey
EJDDY, Michael E,
E, George JobnThyte-
E, George John Whyte—
NDOZA, Malberto Orca e
RIOS, Jose d,e
E, proeI,er
E, Prosper and TNOIP, Albert
VALE, Car e s
E, Johi Ernest
MEURSIUS, Jones, the E
METER, Joseph E,
E, William Julius
E, Jacques Paul
E, Ferdinand Otto
E, George Aexs Mkonanovich
E, Alan Alexander
E, Herbert John Mansfield
E, John Stewart
E, Joseph rafton
E, Oscar sbaxra
OCENK, Charles E dward
E, A’redWilhias
MONGITORE, Francesco Serio e
E, rjian Cosmo
E, Walter Scott
E, Charles Edward
E, Iicle de
E, Miohel cle
E, Miohel de
NTAI(E, Michel de
SONTAINE, Miohel e
E, Michel de
E, iche de
T, Henry e
E, Philips van
E, Roy Lee
E, Chare Napolcon
E, Charlotte nma
E, Olara Jesup
MOORE, Geoi’e Poot
E, Joel Roscoe
E, Margaret Gordon
E, Sir Norman
E, Ralph Westwood
E, Baiph Westwood
E, Thomas Sturge
R(A, Antonio d e
E, Sir Thomas Charles
ON, Thcrns, Dramatist, e E
E, Joiann Georg von
E, Paul and, Miriai
E, Soumyenra Nath
UNDING, E:manue
E, Axel Martin Fredrik
E, urioe Couve tie
R, Thilij,pe e
E, John Mason
E, Francis William
H, John E-Ienry
E, Frieth-ich ihem
E, Friedrich Wilhelm
E, tichel de
NIM, E]jnar
E, Robert Henry
E, Felix von
E, Siieon Hono
E, Alfred Richard
E, John Franklin
E, Guilla,vme a’
E, Lan Mary Katharine
PALLIS, Svend Aa€e
E, oio G&uez
PARODI, Aiexandx’e
E, Atey Cooper
RIDGE, E:ic Honeywood
PATEFSON, Stephen E,
E, Ernest Alexander
E, Frank Walter
E, Huwfry Gilbert Garth
E, Arthur mueI
E, rvyz laurence
E, Kichard rinsey-
E, Charles Wilison
E, John Taylor
E, Robert Alexander
E, Rbert Alexazidor
E, Charles Dillon
E, Saint Jo-_
E, Ernet Gty
E, Joan Elizabeth Turville-
E, Henri Maurice
PHARR, Clyc e
E, Catherine Mary
E, John Swinnerton
PIIE, Lize Owen
PLAISTED, Arthur E{enry
E, James rLobin,on
E, James Robinson
E, jthnes iobinson
E, Cyril dward
E, Edgar AUn
E, Hermann Eduard
E, Pierre Vjagzsson-
E, Reginald Stuart
E, Stanley Lane-
E, John Niehola
PREMARE, Joseph Henri &e
E, drnond de
PRICE, WiLliam Ht!e
E, Cecil Thomas
E, Archibald Philip
E, Waiter Henry
ANGLENT, Alexanth-e
E, George Smith
E, icoas ?,rie
E, William Join Macquorn
E, William John Lcquorn
RAPPARD, William E!nnanue
E, Wuiiam Leman
E, revor Richard
E, Erich Maria
AUDOT, Thtophr as t,e
E, iii col as Edine
E, Philippe Alexandre
REYMOND, ?tari e Louise
RIBOT, Idexanth’e
E, Enrique Ortega
RICKETPS, Charles e Souy
RIL(E, Rainer Maria
E, Charles de
E, Ral Palacios
E, Jean Zerie
E, Gaston Jean Baptiste
R, E’ich
ROUND, John Noro e
ROWE, Kenneth E,
E, Kenneth Thorpe
E, Aphone de
E, John Daniel
RYAN, Bryc e Finley
E, Nils Fritiot
E, Elizabeth Juliana
E, Louis Clair de
E, Charles Augustin
E, !urice de Levigxe
T, Louis Antoine &e
E, Antoine dells
RIOIS, E!nrnantiel Napol&in
SAVA(E, Richard
E, Charles Edwari
E, Francts lowes
LIOIR, Joseph Just,e
E, Carl Wilhelm
E, Rudolfo Oroz
E, Dorothea von
E, Chritoph Otto von
SCHOFIELD, Robert Ethdn
E, obert Edward
E, Johann Carl
SCOTT, Carrie E
SYLVA, José &e
E, Michel Jean
S, nt,oii:e
E, Constant Phiiippe
E, William, flaobeth •
E, Wilhia!n
E, Wi iii am
E, ric John
SHAVI, E linor
SHAW, James Iyrni e
E, Ecimond d’Alton
SHELL, aton E,
SHEPHERD, Arthur Peare e
E, Lucy Taxis
E, nue Gsrcia
E, Paul Armand
E, Paul Arrnand
E, Wiiai Forbes
SLOANE, Clarence E
E, Eugene Hulse
MEDT, Charles e
E, God’tt
E, Charles Piazzi
E, Francis Sydney
E, Sir John
E, Sir Jølrn
E, Waither Sohze—
ER, Francis E,
A, Ant&jo cddo ilo e
SPENGEL, L,e onhard
SPINOZA, BerLedict,us e
E, Sir John Colllngs
E, Lady Hester Lucy
E, auci Wiry
E, Walter ‘itwiiaiu
E, Sir Richard
STENGL, E’drnund Max
STENNEIT, Joseph, the E
ON, William Bru,e
E, Oharlea William
E, Earry Verdon
E, Hurriet Elizbeth Beecher
E, Vasiy’ Vasilevich,, Sf
E, Rene François Armand
E, Algernon CharLes
E, Algernon Charles
E, Algernon Chat’is
E, John Freder±c
E, John Lighton
E, S abindranath
E, Sir Rabindranath
E, Hippolyte Adoiphe
PERIGORD, Charles wiaurice e
E, Charles Maurice de
TASSART, E’ranaoi
E, Hans-Erich
E, Harald Markham
E, Qutus septiznits Floreris
E, Anne Isabella
OME, Tridac e Naf
E, Carl August
THORIES, John Barn e
E, Markham John
E, Anthony Simon
E, Frank Emerson
POKE, Wolf e
E, Johannes Kristoffer
E, morras Forsyt
E, Carlos de la
E, frukcois Dominique
TRENID, John Brand e
E, Louie Irby
TBIN, Miguel e Castilla
E, lais Guillermo Vasco
E, Oesare della
E, Pictro Della
VALOIS, Henri e
VANDPOL, Alfred !ri e
VARIN, Pieiz’e Joseph
VASCONCELLOS, Carolina Miohalis &e
VASCONCLLOS, José Leite &e
E, Paul rie
VETTORI, Pietro, the E
VIAL, E’une
E, iiiio de Bojas
E, Eugene Melehior tie
E, Etgne Melehior de
E, Henz’r
WAIJ(E, Henry
E, Mary Adelaide
E, Sir Mush Seymour
E, Sir Hugh Seymour
E, Ralph Eartmazi
WAVRIN, Jehan e
E, Sir Edward Johnson
E, Jean M
E, iiEian Nenry Jaues
E, William Seward
E, Thomas Hunter
E, Leonard Elliott
E, Lynde Phelps
E, Arnie Weeks
E, Henry Kirke
E, Horatio Stevens
E, Terence Hanbury
E, William Charles
E, Edward Anthony
E, John Howard
E, Sir Alexander Frederick
E, Lancelot Law
E, Benno von
E, Marry Victor frederick
WIRTH, Henry E
E, Elizabeth Gidley
E, elen Elizabeth
E, Gordon Ethelbert Ward
E, Henry Jwaes
E, John George
E, Wynk’n de
WQRUED(E, ieila
E, Sape van der
WREDE, If e imut
WULF, E]inar
E, Nicoas von
E, Basil Alfred
MASSIP, Saraii E
A, Denise I,e Blond—
ZWEZ, Richard E,
SUN, E-tu,, figs SON, E-tu Zen
E, Antoine Nooas Dezair d’
AZWEDO, Luiza de Castro e
BADELLI, Fraio e so o
E, Antoine Pierre Joseph Marie
OON, Shiomo and Wi’E, Harvey
B(E, Liévin van der
E, sir Ivan de la
AMBLY, Dieudonn Alexanth’e paul
E, tMe Laetitia WilIxeL’nne
IG(E, Jacob van der
BRY, rohann Theodor d e
ER, John Chess e
CABREA, Juan Toiuas Enriquez e
E, Sir Thomas Menry fla
CASTRO, Luiz de Moraos e
E, Isabelie Agns iisabeth de
E, Lenore and COWE, William Joyce
COE, Jean Motiier e Cire—
DOUGLAS, St e’wart Ranicen
FREVILLE, Wiro el ci e
GIOVIO, Paolo, Bishqp of Nocera, the E
E, Johm Wolf gmg von
GOMME, j George Laurenc,e
GPEEN, Frederick Wiia Edrid,e
E, Johann Jakob Christoffel von
GRYLLS, Ho sali e Glyxm
E, George !illery and, FOX, Philip
ROEEAVE, Char],e s B
RTOG, Marcus Manu e
E, Joharn Jacob Wilhelm
E, Sidney Jo Her’ron
HOWE, Mark ktony £e:ofe
HIJLLAK, J ohri Pyi e
E, L’artin Andrew Shir
E, liar tin ?ndrew Sharp
E, Charles John Cutliffe Wright
BARGOYEN, Eugenic de Aviraneta e
IPENZA, José Maria Salaverri a e
JAMES, o if e Arno Soott—
JS, Paul and FRM’E, Robert
JOLIVF, Alfred and MOS$E, Fernand
E, Jean a’tiSte ‘Edaond
E, Henry du Moulin de
E, Joan Phillippo Renê de
E, Nicolas Louis Planat de
PRAT, Vane Louis Alphonse e
OTBE, Alexandre Baudron d e
E, Sir John ndoph Shane
LUBAC, Henri &e and DANIELOU, Jean
E, Mervin Herbert, Nevfl Story
E, Marie Aonse René de
MAYOLAS, La Gravett,e de
E, Pierre de la coste—
MOLD, Louis i’e Dioudoriné
E, Jean Eaptiste Poquelin de
E, Jean Baptiste Poquelin de
E, Jean Beptite Poqueiin:de
E, Robert Henri liarie nigne as
MONTALBANO, iecomo Buonanni e Colonna
E, Joaqu{n Romero y
EISEN, Christian Enil Westergfrde
E, Sir Reginald Francis Douce
E, John William Gilbert Sandiford-
E, r William !Aatthew Plinclers
PEZZO, Anne Charlott,e del
TEI, J Praiioisco e Barros
RD, Frane i E dward
REED, Sir Stani e’y
GNIER, Henri Franois Joseph &e
J, Per’e Manin Victor
VL, Ak E(ctc,Lse
EILAIRE, AuguBtin FrancoisCésar prouvensac,&e
E, Jacques Henri Bernardin de
SCREIER, Jean August e tJdalric
E, Edith OEnone and OSS, Martin
E, Sir Edmund Villiers Minshuil
E, Pedro Paz Sori y
VACA, Avax Nuz Oabeoa e
CARPIQ, Iq,e Felix de
VIGNY, Al fred Victor a e
E, Francois Marie Arouet de
E, François IZarie Arouet de
E, Françoia rie Arouet do
E, Franois Marie Arouet de
E, Françoi Marie Arouet de’
E, Pranois Liarie Arouet de
E, Frncois Marie Arouet de
JIGA, Alonso e Ercilla y
ACHA, Lou s Irnd e ugne
ION, John Emerich Eard tiberg
AEAUJO, Alexandre Her culano de Carv&Lho e
E, Henri do La Tour d’
E, John, Minister of Ham See BEGON, Thomas
BANAZOL, Lue Atade da Silva
BENSON, Go df rey Rathbon e
BVILI, saint Albin an BARRIEr?E, jean ‘ranoicj
E, Saint Albin ana BRRIRE, Jean Franis
BETHJNE, Chari-e S Razsay Drinkwater
BLAJ(E, Robert Lifford Valentine ffrench
BONPANTE, Larissa and HEIN’E, Hei von
E, znon Ianovich and SHAFAREVIR, Igor’ Rotislavovich
BOSWINKEL, E, end PESAN, Pieter wifleni
TE, Edward, Social Reformer and BABNEFIEID, Geor€e
BRANCO, Joaqiairn Antouio de Lerno Seixas e
OHS, Prili-rët,e Eupilémion Ernest
CEAVIGNERIE, i•e Bellier de- ia
CLAUDL, E’atl Louis Charles Marie
E, Isidore Aute rie François vier
E, Isidore Auguste kiarie François Xavier
E, Charles aM BLAQDEN, Charles Otto
ENCALADA, Manuel Lorenzo de Vidaurre e
E, Marie Joseph Henri Savinin Augustin
E, Garvin Brant and KNIGW, charles Alfred
MAS, August e Louis Charles de la
GARDNER, E±ne s t Arthur
GARFIELD, Sol Louia and BERGIN, Allen E,
E, Charles Anth Joseph Marie cie
GOGOL, Nikolai Vasil’e’v-ioh
E, Sir George Laence and WHEATLEY, Henry Benjainth
E, Chri stian Di etri ch
PROFETI, Mariae See PROFfl, Hari& Grazja
BENTON, wilbourn E, and GRI,!t, cieorg
ZI, ano e s co Domenico
E, Roy John na OEY, Charles Chiltori
DEIYS, Mar±e Jean Lion d’
RANDOLPH, Pr an ci e J Charles
HUEBNER, Kurt ar ME?E, Albert
E, John, Author of “Douglas”, See HOME, John
HURRY, J ai e son Boyd
E, James ?recotdt,and ThO?SOt, wIlliam
E, Louise Renee de Benancot de
FORCE, Charlotte Boe do Laumont e
BE, Qiarles C-erin Ir±e Bourel cie
E, Ciaiies Geriain Marie Bourel de
E, cabriel Jean Baptiste Ernest Wilfred
A, José tezanae ± tThA, José
E, William Roscoe, See ROPES •(John-Codmaa
E, William David and GARDNER, William James
E, D and PRYDE, Goorge Smith
MAISTRE, sos e ph Mr le de
LATRIE, Jacciues Larie Joseph Louis e
MOLIF(E, Jean Baptiste Poquelin de
E, Jeen tis te pcqein de
E, Louis and IJRANTIN, Anne Adrien Arnand
NOBLE, Margaret E and COOMARASWAMY, Ananda Kentish
OLIVEIRA, Jose Oeório de Castro e
ORTA, Teresa Margaricla da Silva e
POOL, Pho eb e Do x thy
L, Marjorie and, Char:e Henry Bç,urne
RIETBEIG, Wenz e Anton von Kaunitz
E, Thomas Louis Marie Eugne de
E, Thomas Louis Iviarie Eugene de
DENYS, Marie Jean Lond’Hemy &e
SAMPAID, Antonio de Villas—Joas e
PAYO, Antonio de Villas—Boas e
SANDE, ?rancisco de o y e Torros
SOIS, Jei Froois Joseph e Lamottefd
SAVAGE, E and UDDEI, Johan August
E, william [Appendix— Bioraphyj See CARDIM, Luiz
SHAW, Frank Le si i e
E, Peter Lewis and CHITTICK, Hubert Neville
SILVA, Srgio kidrade Serst’Anna e
SOUSA, Abel Lopes de Almeida e
SOUSA, J<*o da Cruz e
SOUZA, J&io Cesar de ?flo e
PRUTER, Sir John Andri e s
VELPEAU, Aifre ci Ariuaaid Lou Is Mri e
VOLTAIRE, F’rançois Ltarie Arouet e
VORSEY, Louis deL e DE VORSEY, Louis
E, Koenraan Stanislaus Jan Marie de
WHITE, Hugh Gera±d E’eyn-
WIRTH, Henry E and ROBINSON, Rex J
APARICIO, Fernando Sotoe See SOTO APARICIO, Fernando
E, Albert arie Victor and ILAND, Cbirles Godfrey
BRANCO, Joaquim Antonio de Lemos Seixas e Gastel-
E, Julio Le Rjyerend, See IS RIVEREND BRUSONE, Julio
E, Charie, Professeur au Cofle Bollin and AIJNIER, Paul
ELPE, Karl Beinz Schulte— e SCHULTE-ELTE, Karl Heinz
FOX, Georg e, Founder of the Soety of iends See KNIGHT, Rachel
GONCOURT, Edmond Louisntoine de See IUCAII’E, Robert
GUICCIOLI, Teresa, Countess ,afterwurcls OJILL E BOIS, Teresa
E, Philippe Alexandre Ray- §j REY-HERME, Philippe Alexandre
E, MarguSrite Allotte de See AELOTTE DE LA FtJE, Marguerite
VALLIERE, Louise Frenqoise de la Baume Le Blanc &e
E, Alfred McCun end WUMPHREY, liorman Zaymond
E, ErneBto Ferne’ndez, &AIDA ALVA, Germ!
MOOR, Thomas &e lal See DE LA W
PRADO, Isabel E€ullaz dc See EGUILAZ DE PRADO, Isabel
Y, Lotus A!,ol ef&ey &e flEPPROY D
RIVAS, eberto Torres-, See TORRS -E IVAS, eberto
E, Auguste Le Poitevin de L’Egrevifle de
E, Augustin Eugene and IGOUV, Gabie Jean Baptiste Ernest Wilfred
SETH, Andrew afterwar&s PAPTISON, Andrew e-th Pririgle-
VASCONCELLOS, Joz Maria de Souza Boteiho Mouro e
EGUREN, Juan Jos de Euiara ye See EGUIARA Y EGUREN, Juan José de
MOTIER, Marie Madeleine, Countess cle La Fayet?e See FABRE-LUCE, Alfred
POLE, Sir William e la, See DE LA POLE, Sir William
J, Jose,Lopez dee See LOPEZ D SAGEDO Y BRU, Jose
Author: E (•)
(3 E (•)! J Bf{ODRIBB (Charles Wi1liiu), Poeras...With an introduction by . Biunden. pp. xviii. + 102. 8. London, 1946.
Card ID: 225
Author: E ( )
‘JE)6c COBI3E ( ). Cobbes prophecies: his signes and tokens, his madrigalls, questions and answeres with his spirituall lesson in verse, rime and prose. 1614. ieproduc.ed in facsiinile...With a preface by A.R.BuJ.len. 1.) pp. viii 1- (38). 0 8 . printed for private circulation, 1890. ond in a ygl_lette
Card ID: 321
(j’mi) C COBBlE ( )i,Theatrical Editor. See GIILES (M.), pseud. L i..e. CORBIE. 3 Th.tre desbouivards,,eto. CEdited by — Oorbie.] £Paris?J, 1756.
Card ID: 323
Author: ON (E)
RtON (E), pseud. [i.e. Kate O’Brieii 1iCL4iiD.) and HERON (L), pseud. [i.e. Hesketh Vernon RCItARD.J Ghost stories. 8°. london, 1917.
Card ID: 184
Author: E (or)
Bru REM8E (or). BRUtIt. (Niklaa). Swedish theatre. [By) Nikias Druniu, .Gôran 0. Er!ks son, Roif Rembe. (Trans late
Card ID: 57
Author: E (()
Card ID: 185
Author: E (August e de)
,Flc4- LA RI yE (August e de). totice sur Ia vie et les ouvrages de A.—P. d.e Cando11e...Tir de la Bibliothèque Uriiverselle de Genève, novembre et decembre 1844. pp. 147. [G. G.) 8°. Geneva, 1844.
Card ID: 210
Author: E (Jane)
33 Q4, ADD Zv ADDA1E (Jane). See DRVIS (Allen Freeman). American heroine: the life and legend of Jane Addanis. New York, 1973.
Card ID: 450
Author: E (Russell)
PNAM Aid ALDWflcnE (Russell). ath in the secular city: a study of the notion of life after death in contemporary theology and philosophy. pp.194. London, 1972.
Card ID: 512
Author: E (Lonis-)
ALI1E (Lonis-) Ph.D. Chicago See ITERMIPE. Dc 1’Hermite et del Jougleour: a thirteenth century tConte pleux”. Text, with intoduotion ant L.Allen. Paris, 1925.
Card ID: 382
Author: ML (e)
ML (E) c ALTENBURG (Michael). See MEINECICE (Ludwig). Michael Altenburg, 1584—1640: em Beitrag zur Geschichte der evangelisehen Kirchenmusik. Leipzig, 1903.
Card ID: 192
Author: E (Leiv)
tMUiiD8E (Leiv). See OSLO. NorskeVidenskaps-Akad.emi i Oslo. Papyri Osloenses, etc. (2—3. Edited by S.Eitrem and L.Amundsen.) Oslo, 1931—36.
Card ID: 108