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E William Julius on (e) (3)



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    Author: E (William Julius)


    MICKI4E (William Julius), anirof “The Lusiad”. The Poetical works of Willia.m Llickle. With the life of the author, . (Cooke’s Editign Sject_British Poets.) pp. 155 + (1). Ptrait. ts.n.1 12°. London, [17991. with two additional tite-ages, one of which .s ngrved. Boiid in a voluiue lettered :_tça yørks •Q rani1 3. .

    Card ID: 381

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    Author: No Author available


    •%fl —I cq.’y SEAKESPEABE (William). [Julius Caesar.] Julius Ca?sar. Edited by R.F. Pattersonand I.J. $impson. (e Satchel Shakepeare.) pp. (8) + 104. 8°. London and New York, [1947].

    Card ID: 30

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    Author: No Author available


    LONDON. Roxburghe Club. [publications.] ].5O. The Pageants of Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick. Reproduced in facsimile from the Cott1onian AS. Julius E. IV., in he British. Museum, with an :introd.uction by William, Ear]. of Carysfort. pp. (8) + xvi. + facsimiles. fol. Oxford, privately printed, t908.

    Card ID: 673