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E William Garden e (or) (8)
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E, William Garden
E, William
E, William ttrley Punshoft
ARE, William
No Author available
Author: E (William Garden)
T_ BLAIKrE (William Garden). Personal life of David Livingetone...With portrait and map. (Sixth edition, reprinted..J pp. xii. + 412, 80. London, 19l7.
Card ID: 151
Author: E (William)
STEFLLG LIRAffl [sLj J ry6c— iS] REFaRcE O!LY sEAKsPEAFtE (William). [The Tempest.) The Tempest; or, the Enchanted island: a comedy. [By W. Shalcespeare. Altered by J. Dryden and ir W. Davenant.) As it is now acted at Their Majesties Theatre in Dorset—Garden. [Fourth edition.] pp. (6) V +62. 0 4 . London, 1690. Macdonald 13d.. Included in Vo1.Iof a copy of the collected edition of Dryden’s works made up by Tonson from separate editIons and issud in 195. S.L.C.I.336.
Card ID: 2
Author: E (William ttrley Punshoft)
‘1? ta5Oo Mc1’E (William ttrley Punshoft), Sailors or fortune. [Short stories.] pp. 1415. 8°. Garden City, N.Y., 1935.
Card ID: 204
Author: ARE (William)
F rt(/ E L \ 7Sf SHAXESYiARE (William). fcymbeline.j Cymbeline: a tragedy, altered from Sha]ceepeare. As it. is perform’d at the Theatre-Royal in Covent—Garden. By William Hawkins. pp. xi. + 92. 8°. London, 1759. Imperfect; wanting the engraved frontispiece.
Card ID: 356
Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)
e SHAKESPEARE (William). [Selections and Extracts.) The Plant—lore and garden—craft of Shakespeare. By H.N.Ellacornbe. New edition illustrated. pp. xvi. + 383. 8°. London and New York, [1896].
Card ID: 224
Author: No Author available
e°c Cv-ci.tQ t• - CONGEEVE (William). Love for love: a comedy, in five acts [and in performed at the Theatres Royal, Covent Garden and Drury Lane...With remarks by !!rs. Inchbald. pp. 90. rnti.pjece. 12g. London, [i8o8]. Eomd in.a volume lettered: Inchbld’s British Theatre. Vol. IV.
Card ID: 409
(?0e. ( ‘I SHAKESPEARE (William). [Romeo snd Juliet.] Romeo and Juliet: a tragedy, in five acts... -e performed at the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane and Covent Garden. . .With remarks by Mrs. Inchbald. pp. 77. pntijece. 12°, Londofl, [1808]. Bound in a volume lettered: Inchbald’s British Theatre. Vol. V
Card ID: 179
R Cijki e $H.AKESPEARE (William) EThe Merry Wives of Windsor.) The Merry Wives of Windsor: a comedy, in five aces performed at the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane arid Covent Garden...With remarks by Mrs. Inchbald. pp. 83. Frontispiece. 12g. London, [1808). Bound in a volume lettered: Inchbald’s British Theatre. Vol. III.
Card ID: 3