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E, Wiiarn
E(Wiiarn Best
Author: E (Wi11iarn)
— SHAKESAflE (Wi11iarn), [Sorinets. The Secret drauia of Shakspeare’s sonnets unfolded, with the characters identified. By G.Massey. A second and enl.rged edition, etc. pp. xii. + 6o3 + 56. 1D.—L.L.] 8°. [London], 1872. A rc1sueof the i866 edi with the additi of a supileentai chapter. One of 100 copies pri ted for subscrIbers only,
Card ID: 240
Author: E(Wi11iarn Best)
L4B HESSELTIiE(Wi11iarn Best) and McNEIL (Dora1d R.) In support of Clio: essays Ln memory of Herbert A. Kellar. Edited by ‘1.1. Hesseltine arid D.R. McNeil. IWith bibliographies.] pp.. + 214. Portrait. - 8° Madison 1958..
Card ID: 525