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E, Sir Rabindranath
TAGORE, Sir Rabindranath
No Author available
Author: E (Sir Rabindranath)
C -i f) - AGO1?E (Sir Rabindranath). [Appendix.] - NJL The Golden book of Tagore: a homage to Rabindranath Tagore from India and the world in celebration of his seventieth birthday. Edited by R. Chatterjee. pp. xx. + 374. Portraits, plates, illustrations and facsimiles. 4°. Calcutta, 1931.
Card ID: 428
Author: TAGORE (Sir Rabindranath)
TL TAGORE (Sir Rabindranath). [Selections.] Tagore dducateur. [Edited by) (E. Pieczynska.) (Collection d’Actualits P4dagog.qes.) pp. 171. ?ortrait and plate. 8. Neuchâtel and Paris, [1922].
Card ID: 426
Author: No Author available
13c. E&-] TAGORE (Sir Babindranath). CALDERON (George ii.) The Maharani of Arakan: a ronantic comedy...founded on the story oI’ Sir Rabindranath Tagore...Together with a character sketch of Sir R. Tagore compiled by K.N.Das Gupta. Londoç, 1915.
Card ID: 433