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E Roger a:an charles|k:in (charles) (6)
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E, Roger
GREEN, Roger ]Ance]yn
No Author available
ORTON, Arthur
Author: E (Roger)
L] BURLINGjjjE (Roger). Of making many books: a hundred years ol’ reading, writing and publishing. LA history of the publishing house of Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1846—1946.1 pp. xii. + 347. 8°. ewYork, 1946.
Card ID: 362
Author: GREEN (Roger ]Ance]yn)
YN c25F 979 GREEN (Roger ]Ance]yn). See CARROLL (Lewis), t,seud. [i. e. Charles Lut’wicie DCDGSC)N.) [Letters.) The Letters of Lewis Crro11. dited by Morton N. Ccthen, with the assistance of Roger Lancelyn Green. London and singstoke, 1979.
Card ID: 542
Author: No Author available
JF (P.C.i) FARR (Roger Charles). See IERN&TIONAL READING ASSOCIATION. Measuring reading performance. (Papers originally presented at a conference held by the I.R.A. Test Conimittee at Indiana University in the fall of 1971.) Edited by William E. Blanton, Roger Farr, J. Jaap Thinman. Newark, Del., 197L1..
Card ID: 169
r(. c?5d5 HEflICAUIT ( dx). [i.e. Charles Joseph. de - RICAULT.] See C.OLLERYE. (R’oer. :4e. OEuvres do Roger de Collerye. I’btwel.].e dit,ion avea uno pre’aoo et des not.,es par C. ‘ H&L’ioault.. Paris, 1855.
Card ID: 210
Author: ORTON (Arthur)
ORTON (Arthur), calling himself Sir Roger Charles Doughty TICHEORNE, Bart. See KENEALY (Maurice E.) The Tichborne tragedy: being the secret and authentic his tory of the extraordinary facts and circumstances connected with the claims, personality-, identification, conviction and last days of the Tichborne claimant. London, 1913.
Card ID: 580
5’. (U7 2. SINGER (Charles,Joseph). Studies in the history and method of science etc. [CONTINUED.’j E. T. Withington: Dr. John Weyer and the witch mania. R. Levy: The “Tractatus cie causis et indiclis morborum”, attributed to Maimonides. F. C. S Schiller: Scientific discovery and logical proof. Vol. 2. C. Singer: Greek biology and its relation to the rise of modern biology. J. L. E. Dreyer: Mediaeval astronomy. FL. Steele: Roger Bacon and the st.a.te. of science in the thirteenth century. H. Hópstock: Leonardo as anatomist, translated from the Norwegian by E. A. Fleming. E. T. Withington: The Asclepiadae and 3t3 of Aselepius. [SEE NEXT CRD.j
Card ID: 320