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E Oliver a:j e|k:e (or) (3)
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E, Oliver
E, George Oliver
E, Sir Oliver Joseph
Author: E (Oliver)
Lfl,E (Oliver). -J The Efficient use or steam, London, 1947. ENGLAND. Departments of State and Official Bodies. Ministry of Fuel and Power.
Card ID: 138
Author: E (George Oliver)
‘—- CURk1E (George Oliver). Curine volume of linguistic studies. [By various..authors.j Edited onthe occasion of his seventieth birthday by J.T.Hatfield, W. Leooold, A.J.F.Zieglschmid. (with a list of Currne’s publications.) pp. 178. portrait. 1930. See UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. [Ill sceilaneous Subheadings.] Linguistic Society of America, Language, ç. “1...Language monographs, No. 7.
Card ID: 499
Author: E (Sir Oliver Joseph)
DEPOSITORY LO3E (Sir Oliver Joseph). Atoms and rays: an introduction to modern views on atomic structure & radiation. (Third impression.) 208. Plate. London, 1924.
Card ID: 232