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E Joseph Pierre (2)



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    Author: E (Joseph Pierre)


    3x B717A 967 BDREL D’HAUERIvE (Joseph Pierre). [Works.) (Oeuyres comp1tes de Petrus Borel le lycanthrope. Avec preface et notes par A.Marie.) 5 vols. Portraits, illustrations and facsimiles. 80. Slaticlne Reprints: Geneva, 1967. 1 • Petrus Borel le Lycanthrope: sa vIe et son oeuvre. Suivi d’une bib1iographe, etc. [By) (A.Marie.) 2. Rhapsodies, suivies de Poesies direrses, etc. 3. Champavert: contes immoraux, etc. I_5. Madame Putiphar. Seconde edition, conforme pour letexte et les vinettes , 1’cUtion de 189. Preface par J.Claretie. (Reimpression de l’cdition, deParis, i8 VOls.

    Card ID: 270

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    Author: E (Antoine Pierre Joseph Marie)


    BARNA1E (Antoine Pierre Joseph Marie). [Introduction la Rvo1ution Franaiae. — English,] Power, property and nistory: Barnave’s ‘Introduction to the French Revolution’ and other writings. Translated, with an introductory essay by Emanuel ChilL pp. 156. New York, 1971. THIS WORK iS T IN THF Any . • is akctI to ii.

    Card ID: 487