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E Joseph a:c joseph|k:c(c) (32)



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    Author: E (Joseph)


    BAFR1E (Joseph). L’Humanisme et la politique dans le Discours de la servitude volontaire: etude sur les origines clii texteet l’objet dii Discours d’Estienne de La Botie. pp. 2. 8°. Paris, 1923.

    Card ID: 201

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    Author: E (Joseph)


    Cc COTPI1E (Joseph).. Early recollections chiefly relating to the late Samuel Taylor Coleridge 4ring his long res.dence in Bristol. 2 vole. Portraits. 8°. London, 1837. [s NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 154

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    Author: E (Joseph)


    (iv’)c ciciij FOtJcflE (Joseph), Duke of Otranto. Fouchê (de Nantes>.: sa vie prive, politioue et morale, depuis son entree a la Convention jusqutà ce jour. [By A. Sêrieys.) Avec son portrait. pp. x. + 204. [G.G.J 0 12 . Paris, i8i6.

    Card ID: 352

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    Author: E (Joseph)


    HUiE (Joseph), M.P. On the corn laws an the claims f the ari— culturists to relief from taxation: speech... in the House of Coruiions, on...April 27, 1836. xtracte fro:n the ‘Mirror of parliament’ pp. 39. Tables. [G.G.J 0 8 . London, 1836. ith the author’s signature on the tit1e—age.

    Card ID: 77

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    Author: E (Joseph)


    [Q, L , ‘‘‘ PiY1E (Joseph), 2rofessor t the Gol1e of Preceptors. The Importanoe of the training of the teacher. Seriespub1ished wiIer the sanction of the Iationa1 Union for improving the educatIon of women of all classes, o. It.) pp.2b. LQ.M.I,.) 8°. London, 1873. [Another oopy.j CML) T. s. ‘4?V yf

    Card ID: 444

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    Author: E (Joseph)


    PAiE (Joseph), Professor at the Oo11 o Preoeptors. The Use o the final -e in early En1ish, and especially in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.) Oiaucer Society. LPiblioations.J Second Series. 2, etc. Essays on Chaucer, etc. No. IV. London, [1868—92.)

    Card ID: 450

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    Author: E (Joseph)


    ‘ : 3— b’ PBITIPI’E (Joseph). Yule de Liege: propos historiques sur la place Saint—Lambert et ses abords. pp. 24. Illustrations and plans. 40• rLiege], 1956.

    Card ID: 182

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    Author: E (Joseph)


    WASiE (Joseph). See THUCYDIDES. [Greek ann. Itin.j avo-tJ Wp -my ow1Løov Jo4.Qv ThuöydicUs dc Bollo 2e1oonnésiàco libri octo...reoeneuit et notas suas addidit J.Wasse, etc. Amsterdam, 1731.

    Card ID: 86

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    Author: E (Joseph)


    77 WHilE (Joseph), Capn of Christ Church. See BIBLE. New Testament. [rek. — -1808.) Novum Testarnentum Grace. Lectiones variantes, Griesbachii judicio iis quas textus receptus exhibet anteponandas, vel quiparandas, adjecit J.Vhite. 0xfor, 1808.

    Card ID: 69

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    Author: E (Joseph)


    LI’ L-&J DEPOSITORY 10 WOLSTENHOLL!E (Joseph). See FROST (Percival), the E1dezand - WOLSTEI’HOI,ME. (i.) A Treatise on solid geometry. Cambridge and Lxidon, i863.

    Card ID: 69

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    Author: E (Joseph Pierre)


    3x B717A 967 BDREL D’HAUERIvE (Joseph Pierre). [Works.) (Oeuyres comp1tes de Petrus Borel le lycanthrope. Avec preface et notes par A.Marie.) 5 vols. Portraits, illustrations and facsimiles. 80. Slaticlne Reprints: Geneva, 1967. 1 • Petrus Borel le Lycanthrope: sa vIe et son oeuvre. Suivi d’une bib1iographe, etc. [By) (A.Marie.) 2. Rhapsodies, suivies de Poesies direrses, etc. 3. Champavert: contes immoraux, etc. I_5. Madame Putiphar. Seconde edition, conforme pour letexte et les vinettes , 1’cUtion de 189. Preface par J.Claretie. (Reimpression de l’cdition, deParis, i8 VOls.

    Card ID: 270

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    Author: E (Joan Baptiste Joseph)


    DEPOSLTQiy - i DELA!B1E (Joan Baptiste Joseph) Histoire de 1’astronornie au dix-buitième sio1e..pub1ie par L. Mathieu. pp. lii.+ 796. Portrait, tables and folded plates. [Do Lt.] 0 4 . Paris, 182?.

    Card ID: 95