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E John Daniel a:to john|k:to (john) (7)
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E, John Daniel
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OMPSON, Charles Miner
Author: E (John Daniel)
RUNKE1E (John Daniel) Asteroid supplement to New tab1es for detexTilning the values of bs and its derivatives. pp. 7].. See WASHINGTON (COLUMBIA), Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vol. IX. Appendix. Washington, 1857.
Card ID: 384
Author: QUICK (John)
P77-c QUICK (John), Minister of the Gosel. Daniel Chamier?e Icon.. .Biographie indite. [English and French.] See CHAMIER (Daniel). 1564—1621. Daniel Chamier: joi.rnal de son voyage a la cour do Henri IV. en 1607et sa biographie [by John Quick]. Publi4s pour la pre— mire fois, d’après los manuscrits originaux avec de nonibreux documents inddits, par C.Read. Paris, 1858.
Card ID: 98
Author: No Author available
P1-B Sob BIBLE. Appendix. Miscellaneous. See SCRMIThAIS (Walter). The Apocalyptic movement: introdnotion and interpretation [with special reference to Daniel and Revelation.)... Translated by John E. Steely. Nashviile, Penn., and New York, 1975.
Card ID: 467
P12 Sch SCH4IT1AJ.S (Walter). The Apocalyptic movement: introduction and inter.. pretation (with 3pecia]. reference to Daniel and. evelation. J... Translated by John E. Steely. pp. 255. Bibi. Nashville, Tenn., and New York, 1975.
Card ID: 600
Author: OMPSON (Charles Miner)
ThOMPSON (Charles Miner). LL See FLITCRO (John E,) The Novelist of Vermont: a bIographical and critical £tudy of Daniel Pierce Thompson. twith an introduction by C .M.Thompson. J Qbridge., Mass., 1929.
Card ID: 472
ssLn) 2c - ENGLAND. [Church of igland. — Clergy. — Aoepdix.] An Appeal of the clergy of the Church of Eig1and to my Lords the Bishops, humbly beseeching them to move Her most Sacred Majesty to redress their grievances. With some reflections upon the Presbyterian eloquence of John Tutchin, and Daniel Foe, in their weekly Observators and Reviews. To which is annexed, as a postscript, the case of the curate of Stepney Li.e. Isaac Sharpe), fairly and truly stated, and cleared from the vile aspersions of John Tuchin [sic], in Observator, Apr. 13. 1706. Vol. 5. N.8. Part 1. By a Presbyter of the Church of hhgland li.e. Isaac Sharpe]. pp. 32. LD.—J.L.J [E NEXI CARD.)
Card ID: 82
LOIDOi4. rLtish-Academ, eç Sir John B1ys memorial lectures. [1?rc,in 1953 onwards lectures in this series are 1u11y catalogued under the authors.] L 1953. BELL (s,j Harold I.) The Welsh literary renascence of the twentieth century. l54. 195i4.. DANIEL (Glyn E.) Who are the Welsh? [2.955). SEE NEXT CARD.j
Card ID: 222