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E Jean de a:e |k:e (or) (7)
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E, Jean de
E, Jean Louis de
E, Jean Eaptiste Poquelin de
E, Jean Baptiste Poquelin de
E, Jean Beptite Poqueiin:de
MOLIF(E, Jean Baptiste Poquelin de
Author: E (Jean de)
OEPOSIIOrt IA BRUY E (Jean de). [Caraotres.— English.] The 1orals and niuiners of the seventeenth century, being the Characters of La Bruyêre. Translated by H. Stott. (Masterpieces of Foreign Authors.) pp. 30?. 80 London, 1890.
Card ID: 16
Author: E (Jean Louis de)
-:1 LOLI4E (Jean Louis de). [Constitution de l’Angleterre. - English.] The Constitution of England, [b_ntinuecb] —[Another edition.] pp. xocii. + 556. Portrait. 8°. London, 1810. CC.’1I7. LLL7 —[Another edition.] With a sketch of the author’s life. (çve’s Eng.li5h Cjassics.) pp. 30+. FronUstiece. Tc.C.] 12°. London, 1826. With s econd, engraved title—DaRe. [6e next cardi
Card ID: 254
Author: E (Jean Eaptiste Poquelin de)
M733 MOLIEflE (Jean Eaptiste Poquelin de). Le Bourgeois Gentilhonime • -English. I The 1Jou1d-be gentleman: a farcical comedy in three aets freely adapted from Moliere’s Le bourgeois genti1onuiie oy F. Anstey. pp. 95. 8°. London, 1926.
Card ID: 527
Author: E (Jean Baptiste Poquelin de)
XTM 1473KW 973 MOUbE (Jean Baptiste Poquelin de). Le Docteur ainoureux: comSdie attribuSe a Mo1ire, suiv’i du Desniaid, d.e QUiet de La Tessonnerie. edition critique prSsente par P. Lerat. pp. 202. Fac sims. Paris, 1973.
Card ID: 534
Author: E (Jean Beptite Poqueiin:de)
MOL1E (Jean Beptite Poqueiin:de). See DESCOTES (Maurice). lies Grands roles du tbéâtre de Mo1ire, etc. Paris, 19b0.
Card ID: 580
t’ii MOLflflE (Jean Baptiste Poquelin de). GIJTKIND (Curt S.) Moliere und das kxnnische Drama. Halle—on—the—Saale, 1928.
Card ID: 590
Author: MOLIF(E (Jean Baptiste Poquelin de)
(?c 1) ct [u-’ 1 MOLIF(E (Jean Baptiste Poquelin de).. [Eglogue.] tJne Piece de Moliere inconnue, . Eglogue from Nouvelles poésies et prose galaiates, i66i. Edited, with introduction, notes, commentary and bibliographical note, by] CT. iienusse.) pp. 56)-i-. Facsimiles and table. 80. russêls, 1951,..
Card ID: 538