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E Jean Baptiste a:e jean|k:on (e) (7)
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E, Jean Baptiste
E, Gaston Jean Baptiste
E, Jean Baptiste Poquelin de
E, cabriel Jean Baptiste Ernest Wilfred
MOLIF(E, Jean Baptiste Poquelin de
E, Augustin Eugene and IGOUV, Gabie Jean Baptiste Ernest Wilfred
Author: E (Jean Baptiste)
Ii!3VR DE VflJ1EBRU1E (Jean Baptiste). See ATKENAEUS, Naucratita. 1.Deipnosophistae.— French. I Banquet doe savans, par Athénée, trad.uit tant sur 1e textes imprimé8. que sur plueieurS rnanuscrits, par M. Lefebvre de Villebrune. Paris, 1789—91.
Card ID: 150
Author: E (Gaston Jean Baptiste)
-2-- ROQUELAUflE (Gaston Jean Baptiste), Duk. The Secret memoirs of the Dc de Roquelaure, written by himself. Now for the first time completely translated into English. vols. [E.D.M.L.] 8°. London, 1900. N,i7of an edition limited to 10Occies.
Card ID: 505
Author: E (Jean Baptiste Poquelin de)
XTM 1473KW 973 MOUbE (Jean Baptiste Poquelin de). Le Docteur ainoureux: comSdie attribuSe a Mo1ire, suiv’i du Desniaid, d.e QUiet de La Tessonnerie. edition critique prSsente par P. Lerat. pp. 202. Fac sims. Paris, 1973.
Card ID: 534
t’ii MOLflflE (Jean Baptiste Poquelin de). GIJTKIND (Curt S.) Moliere und das kxnnische Drama. Halle—on—the—Saale, 1928.
Card ID: 590
Author: E (cabriel Jean Baptiste Ernest Wilfred)
ASiC thS7a Bar uzcuvE (cabriel Jean Baptiste Ernest Wilfred). See BARTS (Ernst). Gabriel-Jean-Baptiste LegouvS: em vergessener Dichter der Revolutionszeit. [A reprint of the edition of 1939.] Nendeln, 1967.
Card ID: 28
Author: MOLIF(E (Jean Baptiste Poquelin de)
(?c 1) ct [u-’ 1 MOLIF(E (Jean Baptiste Poquelin de).. [Eglogue.] tJne Piece de Moliere inconnue, . Eglogue from Nouvelles poésies et prose galaiates, i66i. Edited, with introduction, notes, commentary and bibliographical note, by] CT. iienusse.) pp. 56)-i-. Facsimiles and table. 80. russêls, 1951,..
Card ID: 538
Author: E (Augustin Eugene) and I2GOUV (Gabie1 Jean Baptiste Ernest Wilfred)
MalcOlW Monet ColleCt10 SCaIi3E (Augustin Eugene) and I2GOUV (Gabie1 Jean Baptiste Ernest Wilfred). Adrienne Lecouvreur: a play in five acts. Written by 14N,Scribe and Legouv, adapted by H.Uernan. [i 863). See I,àCY (Thocas Railes). Lacy’s (French’s) acting edition, 772.
Card ID: 42