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E Jane Henrietta e (jane) (2)
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E, Jane Henrietta
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Author: E (Jane Henrietta)
ADS11E (Jane Henrietta). See STA1LEY (M. J.), Baroness tan1éy of Al. The Girlhood, of Maria Josepha Hoiroyd., Lady Stanley of Alderley. Reoorded in letters of a hundred years ago, from 1776 to 1796. Edited by J.H.Adeane. Seoond. edition. London, 1897.
Card ID: 659
Author: No Author available
STUDIES IN ENGLISH LITERPTURE. Studies in English literature. [cc>ritinued.J Mouton & do.: The Hague and Paris, 1964, etc 3. PANICHAS (George A.) Adventure in consciousness: the meaning of’ D.H.Laiirence’s religious quest. 1964. c ciQiZiZ CilLOSt 4. BA4SEL (Henrietta ten). Jane Austen: a study in fictional conventions. 1964. N1JT tVc.. 5. McCOf (Dorothy S.) Tradition and conventiont a study of periphrasis in English pastoral poetry from 1557—1715. 1965. [&E NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 300