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E Jane a:e jane|k:0005 (5)
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E, Jane
E, Jane Henrietta
E, Jane esh
E, Jane Welsh
E, Jane Weleh
Author: E (Jane)
33 Q4, ADD Zv ADDA1E (Jane). See DRVIS (Allen Freeman). American heroine: the life and legend of Jane Addanis. New York, 1973.
Card ID: 450
Author: E (Jane Henrietta)
ADS11E (Jane Henrietta). See STA1LEY (M. J.), Baroness tan1éy of Al. The Girlhood, of Maria Josepha Hoiroyd., Lady Stanley of Alderley. Reoorded in letters of a hundred years ago, from 1776 to 1796. Edited by J.H.Adeane. Seoond. edition. London, 1897.
Card ID: 659
Author: E (Jane 1e1sh)
C 22F tO OAPLThE (Jane 1e1sh). New letters and nierliorials cf Jane Welsh Carlyle. Annotated by T. Oarlyle and edited by A. Oarly]e.’ With an introduction by Sir J. Criohton Browne. With...illustrations. 2 vols. 8°. London & w Yo’k, 1903.
Card ID: 344
Author: E (Jane Welsh)
CARLThE (Jane Welsh). BARINE (A.), pseud. [i.e.C.VARENS.j Portraits de fenunes: 1adame Carlyle (la fernme dtun grand honime), Paris, 1906,
Card ID: 348
Author: E (Jane Weleh)
4 ‘ r I I\ •0 (• CARLYI1E (Jane Weleh). - BUREETT (Osbert Henry). The Two Carlyles. London, 1930.
Card ID: 349