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E James Robinson e (or) (6)



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    Author: E (James Robinson)


    Malcolm Morley iq Collection PIMCilE (James Robinson). A Peculiar posit.ion: a Larce ir one act, [1887.] DICKS (John). Dicks’ standard plays, 878.

    Card ID: 528

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    Author: E (James Robinson)


    Makolm Morlel 22 o CollectlOa PIAlllE (James Robinson). The Fair otie with the golden locks: an original iry.extravaganzain one act. (1860). See L?iCY (Thcxtas Ha flee). Lacy’s (French’s) acting edition, 274.

    Card ID: 503

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    Author: SMITH (James Robinson)


    X(’IT SMITH (James Robinson). B000ACCIO (Giovanni). [Vita e Costuni di Dante Alighieri. — English.] The Earliest lives of Dante, translated from the Italian of Giovanni Boccacojo and Lionard.o Bruni Aretino by J.R.Smith. New York, 1901.

    Card ID: 209

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    Author: SOH (James Mcoonkey)


    P1fl3 ROBThSOH (James Mcoonkey). The Future of our relIgIous past. (says in honour of Rwiolf B.i1tn.nn [selected from ‘eIt und Gescbichte the Festschrift presented to ThJ.tniann in 19614].) Edited by James M. Robinson. Translated by Charles E. (r1ston and. 1obert P • Scharleniann. London, 1971. ee iJJLIThfANN (Thão1f !ca.1). [AppendIx.]

    Card ID: 379

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    Author: NN (Ridoif Kr1)


    P73 i1 JLTM&NN (Ridoif Kr1). (ApDendix.] 2ie Future of our re1iiou8 past. (Essays In honour of Rudoit ltmenn [selected from ‘Zeit und Geschichte’ the Pests chrift presented to B11tiEnn In 1961.1.) Fthted. by James M. Robinson. Translated by Charles E.. (rlstOn and Robert P. Scharlenmnn. pp. 372. London, 1971.

    Card ID: 76

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    Author: No Author available


    LONDON. University of Lonl. Institute of Commonwealth Studies. Reprint Series. [This series i$ fully catalogued under the authors.) 1 • WRIGLE (Chri stopher C.) Buganda: an outlr economic history. 1957. LJrJ 2. ROBINSON (Kenneth E.) Constitutional refor’in French tropical Africa. 1958. 3. TIERNEY (James F.) Britain and the Comzaon— wealth: attitudes in Parliament and Press -J in the United Kingdon since 1951. 1958.

    Card ID: 118