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E Iichard a:on e|k:on (e) (7)
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E, Iichard
IG, Iichard
EARLY, Richard E
No Author available
Author: E (Iichard)
“p 0392G OlcE (Iichard), pseud. (i.e. Nigel Stansbuy Z4TtflT. India’s coral strand. [A novel.] pp. 26a. London, l93J4.
Card ID: 333
Author: IG (Iichard)
(R ‘‘ WlOENi’IG (Iichard). Terrwnare publications, 5. German population policy. LBy] E. Frercks. pp. 32. 3O Ber1i, l933.
Card ID: 51
Author: EARLY (Richard E)
TY EAR Flu EARLY (Richard E) See PLUNER (Aifrect), M.Sc. (Econ.) and EARLY (iichard E.) The Blancet nkers, 1669-1969: a liistory of Charles Fr1y & rriott (Witney) Ltd. London, 1969.
Card ID: 228
Author: No Author available
‘f’WG4 RICHARD Iq,, dCoéIir_.e LipKing of Enj1aid. See RIQARDUS, Divisiensis The Chronicle of Richard of Devizes concerning the deeds of Iichard the first, icing of England, etc. London, 1841.
Card ID: 100
QO Horn (P.C.) HEWITT (Lester Eugene) and JENKINS (iichard Lees). CFundamental Iatterns of Maladjustment. — Appendix.] See ENGLAND. Departments of State and Official Bodies. Home Office. Research Unit. Studies in the causes of delinquency and treatment of offenders1 10. Types of delinquency and home background: a validation study of Hewitt and Jenkins’ hypothesis [in “Fundamental patterns of maladjustment; the dynamics of their origin’t). By E. Field. nO o . London, 197.
Card ID: 307
Lud. HOLL.INGWORTH (iichard), D.D. [A Defence of King Charlesl., — -ppdix.] See LUDLOW (Edmund). A Letter fron General Liid.low to Dr .Hellingworth... defending hi.s former letter to Sir E[dward] S[eymour] which compared the tyranny of the first four years of King Charles the rtyr, with the tyranny of the four years of the late abdicated King, and vindicating the Parliament which began in Novemb. 161i0. Occasioned by the lies and scandals of ny bad men of this age. 4°. Amsterdam, 1692,
Card ID: 316
ARCHIVES INTERNATIONALES D’flSTOIRE DES IDS. Archives internationales d’hi6toire des Series mipqr. (f’. CVolumes in this series are fully catalogued under the authors.] 1. JANF.S (Edward Donald). Pierre Nicole, Janseniet and4 humanist: a study of his thought. 1972. ,,.. p 2. SILVBL.TT (Bette Gros). The Maxisis in the novels i of Duclos. 1972. 3. ALL CE. John B.) Post and courier service in the diplomacy of early modern Europe. 1972. , 4. GREY (Ernest). Guevara, a forgotten renaissance authcr. 1973. 5. THOMPSON (Iichard H.) Lothar Franz von Schnborn and — the diplomacy of the E]t.nrate of Mainz, from the treaty of Ryawicl o the outbreak of the War of the Spani uccession. 1973.
Card ID: 304