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E INDIANA e (or) (49)



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    Author: E (INDIANA)


    NOTRE DAIi1E (INDIANA). University of jlptre Dame. Medieval Inst itute. Texts and studies in the history of medival education. IVolunies in this series are fully catalogued under the authors.] [SEE NEXT GARD. I

    Card ID: 29

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    Author: E (INDIANA)


    %L OTRE DA&E (INDIANA). University ofrDanie. Publications in iAediaeval Studiei. 6,12,13. Saint Bernward of Kildeshem...By F.J. Tschan. Iwith a bibliography.) 3 vols. illustrations andplan. 8°. Notre Dame, 1942—52. 1. Etis life and times. 2. His works of art. 3. Album.

    Card ID: 13

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    Author: E (INDIANA)


    PNDP3 Not WWRE t4E (INDIANA). University of Notre tnie. Department of Theo1ogr. Aspects of religious propaganda in Judaism and early Christianity. (Essays by various authors delivered as lectures in a seminar on Apologetics and missiai in Judaism and ea.r].y Christianity sponsored by the Department of Theo1or of the University of Notre rme.] Elise.beth Schissler Fiorenza: editor. (university of Note 1me Center for the Study of Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity, 2.) pp. ix, 195. Notre Lame, End, and Imdon, 1976.

    Card ID: 25

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    BLOOMINGTON (INDIANA). Indi Univer.. Indiana University Publications. Humanities Series. 24. Castigos e docunientos para bien vivir ordenádos par el Rey Don Sancho IV. Edici6n por A. Hey. [With a bibliography.] pp. 229. FacsimUedtabi. 8°.B1oominn, 1952.

    Card ID: 41

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    BI,00MINGTON (INDIANA). Indiana University. Indiana University publications. Humanities Series. [ Continued.]. 3. ifIo 36. SWIFT (Jonathan), Dean of St. Patrick’s.S’ An Enquiry into the behavior of the Queen’s last ministry. 1956. cyr.t 4 ( ‘‘ 37. IIacCLINTOCK (Stuart). Perversity arki ‘ error: studies on the “Averroist” John of Jandun. 1956. 38. SIMt1ONS (Merle E.) The Mexican corido as a source forinterpretive study of modern Mexico, 1870-1950. 1957. [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 47

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    BLOOMINGTON (INDIANA). Indiana Universitr. Dprtrnentof Anthrolot. Indiana University publications in antbropo1o and 1inuistics. MeinoirLs]. [Continued.] j 23 and 24. FRIEDRICH (Paul William). On the meaning of the Tarascan suffixes of space. 1AUSS (Michael E.) On the classification in the Athapascan, Eyak, and. the Tlingit verb. [1969.] 25. CHAFE (Wallace L.) A Semantically based 8ketch of Onondaga. 1970. 26. WB (Nancy ii.) A Statement of morne phonological correspondences among the Porno languages. 1971. 27. GATES (Henry Phlns). The Kinship terminology of Homeric Greek 1971.

    Card ID: 203

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    Author: E (Robert)


    GRBE?E (Robert). the poet. Sec BLOO!1INGTON (INDL4iTA). Inian University. Indiana University studies, etc. Vol.XVIII. 93. Robert Greene and. the Harvey8. By C. Bloomington, 1931.

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    BLOOMINGTON (INDIANA). Indiana Uziversity. Research Center in Anthropolgy, Folklore and Ljiuistics, Publications, j. [Contirm.] 23. LOEB (EM.) In feudal Africa. 1962. LoQ

    Card ID: 240

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    Author: DAME (INDIANA)


    e a ‘ i NOTRE DAME (INDIANA). University of Notre Dame. Publications in Mediaeval Stuciies. 3. Petri Pictaviensis Allegoriae super tabornaculum Moysi. lEdited] by P.S. Moore and J.A.Corbett. pp.xxiii. + 214. 0 8 . 1jre Dame, 1938.

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    Author: ANN (Prank Charlo e)


    ANN (Prank Charlo e). A Iote on the phrmaco1ogioa1 action of uranium. By D.E.J.okson nd P.O.Menn. Bloomington, 1910. Sec BLOOMINGTON (INDIANA). Indiana University. Indiana Univexity studies, etc.. Vol.1. No.1.

    Card ID: 204

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    Author: DAME (INDIANA)


    e 2 NOTRE DAME (INDIANA). Universitypf Notre Dame. Publications in Medlaeval Studies. 4. Iohannis Dominici Lucula noctis. [Edited] by E.Runt. pp. xxxi. + 432. 8°. RotreDame, 1940. —[Another issue, with a different titlepage.] - A dissertat4on submitted to the4university of Chicago) for the degtee of Doctor of Philosoph>t.. 1940. By E.Hunt. pp. xxxi. + 432. 80. Notre Dame, 1940.

    Card ID: 11

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    Author: E (Renee)


    KAI1A1E (Renee). ee BLOOMIUGON (I1IDIAZIA). Indiana University. Recroh Center in throp61&, P61k— lore an1 Linguistics. Publications, etc. 9. The Development of the verbal categories in child language. By Fl. arid R.Kahane landi S.Saporta. _____________ 1958.

    Card ID: 245