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E Edmund William a:e edmund|k:0107 (3)
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E, Edmund William
E, Sir Edmund William
Author: E (Edmund William)
GiZ7 ASH E (Edmund William), See Sf1KESPEARE (William). [Midsumnier Night’s Dream.] Shakespeares Ilidsummer night’s dream, facsimiled from the edition printed at London in the year 1600, by E.W. Ashbee. London, for private circulation only, 1864.
Card ID: 24
Author: E (Sir Edmund William)
f ‘tO 067G GossE (Sir Edmund William). America: the diary of a visit, winter i88Ii—1885... Edited with notes and an introduction by R .L. Peters and D.G.RaJiiburton, etc. (English Literature in Prensition: l8192O. Sécia1 Series, 2.) pp. v. + 30. FacsImile. fol. West Lafayette, md., 1966.
Card ID: 149
Author: E ( Edmund William)
GOS$E ( Edmund William). Hypolympia; or, the Gods in the island: an ironic fantasr, pp. (8) + 220. 8°. London, 1901. ‘1O
Card ID: 165