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E Edmund a:to john|k:to (john) (14)



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    Author: E (Edmund)


    yr ‘,iiç, cWALI E (Edmund), the Poet. The Poetical works of Edmund Wailer and Sir John Denham. With memoir and critical dissertation by G.Gilfillan. pp. xxxi. + 329. 8°. jburgh, 1857.

    Card ID: 100

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    Author: GARDNER (John Edmund Garratti)


    Mc7 GARDNER (John Edmund Garratti). Italy: a companion to Italian studies. [By E. G. Gardner C. Pellizai, C. Foligno, T. Borenius, and E. J. Dent.) Edited. by E. G. •Gardner. Witha map [and bibliographies). (Methuen’s Cornpanions to Modern Studies.) pp. x. t ç2-) + 274. 80. London, 1934. - A Ci-’ [Another copy.] 1

    Card ID: 87

  • card

    Author: STENGEL (Edmund Max)


    STENGEL (Edmund Max). 6upra: Ausgaben und Abhandlungen, etc. Vol. 6L.. John Gower’s Minnesang und Ehezuchtbt&chlein. • .Neu herausgegeben von E. Stengel. Marburg, 1886.

    Card ID: 403

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    Author: GOLDSIILD (Edmund Marsden)


    9c27 GOLDSIILD (Edmund Marsden). -‘r.’c. Coilectanea Adamanta. i 7. Lucina sine concubitu: a the Royal Society, in which is proved...that a woman may cànceive.. .without any commerce withimm [Signed: Abraham Johnson, i.e. Sir John Hill.] Edited by E. Goldsiiid. pp. (4) + 32. L.P. 8°. Edinburgh) privately printed, 1885.

    Card ID: 54

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    Author: MITCHELL (John)


    • FZ KIT Ber MITCHELL (John), Botanist. ee BERKELEY (Edmund Cailis) and BERKELEY (Dorothy Smith). Dr. John Mitchell: the man who n’e the map of North Inierica. (Second printing.) Chapel Hill, l97.

    Card ID: 530

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    Author: HILL (John)


    HILL (John), M.D, calling Luciria sine concubitu, etc. [Continued. I [Another edition.] Edited by E. .Goidsmid. Edinburgh -privatelyprinted, 1885. GOLDSMID (Edmund Marsden). Collectanea •Ada3nanta, 7.

    Card ID: 444

  • card

    Author: TODD (Henry John)


    ycr -‘7/i- TODD (Henry John) chdecn of Cvelrg. See SPENSER (E.) [Vlorks. j The Works of Edmund Spenaer. With a selection of notes from various commentators and a glossarial index, to which is prefixed some account of the life of Spenser by I.J. Todd. London and New York, 1859.

    Card ID: 492

  • card

    Author: No Author available


    C) - 1 ( L ::. s COX (John Edmund). - ‘ -‘- e CRAIMER (Thomas), Archbishop of dàntrburr. [Works.] [The Works of Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, martyr, 155LS) Edited for the parker Society by J.E.Cox. Cainbri4g, 1844-46.

    Card ID: 171

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    Author: No Author available


    r PURVER (1argery Isabel]..e Ness) and BOVTEN (Edmund John) The Beginning of the Royal Society. pp. 16. Portrait, facsimile and illustration. 8°. Oxford, 1960. Catalogued from the wrapper.

    Card ID: 131

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    Author: SON (Abraham)


    18c27 124_f JOH1SON (Abraham) pseud. [1 .e., Sir John HILT.., M.D.J Luinasine conub1tu, . (Continued.] —tAnother edition.] Edited by E. Goldsmid. Edinbur, prIvately printed, 1885. See GOLUSID (Edmund arsden). Collectanea idarnanta, 7.

    Card ID: 104

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    Author: MARVELL (Andrew)


    ‘ C N’i i co MARVELL (Andrew). &Smeller Co1lctions.J Poljtical satires. See GOLDSMID (Edmund Marsden). Sonie politics), satires of the seventeenth century. Selected from the writings of tfle Ear). of Rochester, Sir John Dehhain, and Andrew Marvel, by E.Goldsmid., j. 8°. E’dinburgh, privately printed, 1885.

    Card ID: 414

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    Author: No Author available


    I 1(e&Cc4d.J rc*—& . GOLDSMID (Edmund Marsclen). Bibliotheca Curiosa, etc. WRIGHT (Thomas), M.A., F.S.A. The Political songs o England, from the reign of John to that of Edward II. Edited. and translated by T. Wright and revised by E. Go].dsmid. [With appendices.) 4 vols. in 1. 8. Edinburgh, privately printed, 1884.

    Card ID: 46