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E Carl August on (e) (7)



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    Author: E (Carl August)


    L ‘c - THIEa1E (Carl August). Lexicon Xenophontevm. [Commenced by C.A.Thieue, continued and completed, and the whole edlted•by F.G.Sturzj 4 vols. [G.G.j 8°. Leizi., 1801-04. [.nother copy.] 4 vols. in 2. (S3c. •: ‘L

    Card ID: 347

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    Author: LUECKEOFF (Carl August)


    LUECKEOFF (Carl August). See DU ?t.SSIS (Izak D.) and LUECKROFF (Carl A.). The Malay quarter and its people. Photography: E. van Z.Hofmeyr and J.,Ltlckhotr. Cape Town and Amsterdam, 1953.

    Card ID: 348

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    Author: BOETTIOER (Carl August)


    DEPOSITORY - BOETTIOER (Carl August). Sabiria; oer, Morgenscenen im Putzzimmer einer reichen. Romerin. Em Beytrag zur richtigen Beurtheilirng des E’rivatleben8 er Rbmer mid sum, besern Verstindniss der rômischèn Schriftsteller. pp. xiv. + 6O. [1. I.] 16°. Leipzig, 18O3.

    Card ID: 491

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    Author: IMMEB (Carl August)


    ScriIMMEB (Carl August). The Sieges of Vienna by the Turks. From the German of K.A.Schimmer, and other sources. [By the Earl of Ellesmere.) (Colonial and pme $brar. Vol. 17.) pp. iv. + 172. Plan. [S.R.j 8°. jrifl, 1847. u41d with: Gleig. - $al& s Bjgad e nA.fghanjs tan.

    Card ID: 226

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    Author: No Author available


    4_Lj.. DtY PLESSIS (Izak David) and LUECKHOFF (Carl August). The Malay quarter and its people. Photography: E. van Z.Hofmeyr and T.I.Uokhoff. iWith a bibliography.) (Race Relations series of the Sub-Department of- Coloured Affairs. Departnent of the erior, Union of South Africa, no.1.) pp.90. Plates and tb1. 40 Cape Towu and Amsterdam, 1953.

    Card ID: 325

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    Author: GKNTZ (Friedrich von)


    - DPCITQ GKNTZ (Friedrich von). Brief e von mid an Friedrich von Gentz, Auf Veranlassi..m.g und mit UnterstUtzung der Wedekjnd—Stiftung zu Gitt ingen herausgegeben von F.C.Wittichen (mid E.Salzer). 3 vols. in 4. 8°. Munich and rlin, 1909—1 1. Brief e an Elisabeth Graun, Christian Garve, Karl August Bttiger und andere. 1909. 2. Brief e an und von Carl Gustav von Brinckniann mid Adam WilIer. 1910. 3. Schriftv,echsel mit Metternich. 2 vols. 1913.

    Card ID: 295

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    Author: No Author available


    8.. JENAER GERMAN ISTISCHE FORSGHUNGEN. Jenaer germanistiselie Forsebungen, etc. ontinued. 1 —- 29. SEVIN (Barbara). Kanzler Friedrh von Miller. 196. O!Po5(TQft 30. CHARLES ATJ1USTUS, Brief e des Herzogs Carl August von Sachsen—Weimar an seine Mutter die Iierzogin Anna Anialia, Olctober 177+ bis Januar 1807. 1938, xww 31. LEiTZMAIN (Albert). Wilhelm Heinse ml 447c Zeugnissen seiner Zeitgenossen. 1938. Lt 32. JEL1CEN (Ernst). Die Dichtung des deutschen Arbeiters. 1o [SEE NEXT CARD,]

    Card ID: 364