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E Carl a:e carl|k:e (carl) (8)
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E, Carl
E, Carl and TITTMANN, Julius
E, Carl Paul
E, Carl Wilhelm
E, Johann Carl
E, Carl August
Author: E (Carl)
XFJ H7G 965 HEI’rzE (Carl), Dr of Gttingen. See HCMEf. [fliad. - Greek.) Uonrs flias fur den Schiilgebrauch erkl&t von C.F.Ameis ‘und C.Hentze 8°. Amsterdam, 1965.
Card ID: 531
HE1zE (Carl), of Antwerp. Chinese tomb figures: a study in the beliefs and. folklore of ancient China...Wth a fore— word by W. P. Yetts [and a bibliogrphyJ. pp. xii. + 105 4- (1) + 114 plates. LE.D.M.L.] 4. London, 1928.
Card ID: 534
Author: E (Carl) and TITTMANN (Julius)
cOEDIzE (Carl) and TITTMANN (Julius). Deutsche Diohter des siebzehnten Jahrhunderts. LTit Einleitungen ind .1nmerkungen. Herausgegeben von i. Goedeke und J. Tittmann. b. edichte von Georg RMolf Weckherlin. Herausgegeben von K. Goed.eke. pp. xxxviii. . 328. 8°. Leiozig, 1873. See WECKHERLIN (Georg a.)
Card ID: 38
Author: E (Carl Paul)
-w 1cLIrzIcE (Carl Paul). he German household poem: a dissertation submitted to the (University of Chicago)...for the degree of Doctor of philosophy...1936. pp. (2) + 70. Chicago, 1936. Typescript reproduction,
Card ID: 124
Author: E (Carl Wilhelm)
Sch SME1E (Carl Wilhelm). [Chemieche Abhandlung von der Luft und dem Feuer.J The Discovery of oxygen. Part 2. Experiments by Carl Wilhelm Scheele. 1777. [Translated extracts from ‘Cherniache Abhandlung von der Luft und dem Feuer’.J (Alembic Club Reprints, 8.) pp. 66. dinburgh and London, 1923.
Card ID: 347
Author: E (Johann Carl)
L’ SCT-IEJL7E (Johann Carl). Neue und erweiterte Samm]ung logarithmischer, trigonometriseher und anderer zurn Gebrauch der Mathematik imentbehrlicher Tafein, 2 vols. in 1. IDe M.] 8°. Berlin, 1778. The pagination is continuous.
Card ID: 549
L SCI-IUL7E (Johann Carl). Recuei]. de tables logarithmiques, trionometriques et autres ncessaires dans les math&natiques pratiques. 2 vols. in 1. [De M.J 8°. Berlin, 1778.
Card ID: 550
Author: E (Carl August)
L ‘c - THIEa1E (Carl August). Lexicon Xenophontevm. [Commenced by C.A.Thieue, continued and completed, and the whole edlted•by F.G.Sturzj 4 vols. [G.G.j 8°. Leizi., 1801-04. [.nother copy.] 4 vols. in 2. (S3c. •: ‘L