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E Bertil a:on e|k:on (e) (8)
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E, Bertil
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Author: E (Bertil)
Pi- L: BLOiE (Bertil). The Place—names of North Devonshire: inaugural dissertation...By due permission of the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Uppsa].a to be publicly discussed.. .on... May 15th, 1929...for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. [With a bibliography.] pp. xx. + 189 + (3). 8°. Usala, 1929.
Card ID: 359
Author: SODERBERG (Bertil)
?L 7’e’OG j(fj ;:• SODERBERG (Bertil). Les Instrunents de musique au Bas—Congo et dans les r4gions avoisinantes: etude ethnographiQue. [Thesis: Stockholm University.] Et1ographical Museum pf Sweden, Stockholm, Monograph Series, 3.) pp. 284. Plates, il1istrations and folded map. 8°. SocItho1rn, 1956.
Card ID: 48
Author: No Author available
TJ. 15 ) BIBLE. Appendix. Acts. Misce11neous. tXRTNER (Bertil E.) The Areopgus speech urn! nuturi1 revelation. p1a, 1955.
Card ID: 103
L. Ii., T: (Erwin) a1atp. See SJÔBERG (Bertil). Uber Thioglycerine unci elnige ver— wandte Schwefelverbindungen. [Translated into German by E. )Iayer. I Lund, 1941.
THOMAS, Saint and Apostle. [Childhood Gospel. Appendix. See GARTNER (Bertil E.) The Theology of the Gospel of Thomas... Translated Ifrom the Swedish] b E.J. Sharpe. London, 1961.
Card ID: 225
i°R Ll’1 ‘c.’ J FLODIN (Bertil). Neutral polyelectrons. pp. 10. hart tb1 e s. (Helsinki, 1954). . flELSI!KI. Societas Scientiaruiu Feinica. Coturentationes hysico—mathematicae. Vol. XVII. 6.
Card ID: 209
OHOL!b. Stockholms Hösko1a. Stockholm studies in English. [Continued. I 16. JACOBSON (Sven). Unorthodox spelling in c. .AmerIcan trademarks. 1966. 17. ENGMSH POFRY. Collection of English poetry, principally political &tc satyre from the last years of Charles II. the Gyldenstolpe manuscript ndscellany...Edited by B.Danielsson and D.11.Vlieth. 1967. 18 JOHANSSON (Bertil). Law and lawyers in Elizabethan England, as evidenced in the plays of Ben jonsoTD and Thomas Midd].e ton. 1967. ESEE NEXT CARD.J
Card ID: 406
- ..- D E P08 [f U i SCHER5TN (Bertil). Studien tber das Yorkommen und die biologisohe Bedeutung des Citrats in GeschleohtsQrüsen— sekreteri des Menschen und verschiederier Tiere, nebst einern Beitrag zur ene.ymat.isch—chetnischen Methode zur Bestimmung von Citrat nach Thunberg. Akadètniôhe Abhand1u weiche zur Er1angun der Medizinisohen Doktorwbrde mit Genehmigung der weitertahrenen Medizinischerl Fakultg.t. der... Universit zu Lund, etc. Vith a bib1iograpk.J pp. (2) + 144. Tables and chart.1s. 6°. Lund, ¶936.
Card ID: 183