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E Arthur a:e or|k:on (e) (10)
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E, Arthur
E, Non Arthur
E, : Arthur Conan
E, &r Arthur Conan
E, Arthur Norman
E, Arthur Gotfred
E, Arthur mueI
PLAISTED, Arthur E{enry
SHEPHERD, Arthur Peare e
GARDNER, E±ne s t Arthur
Author: E (Arthur)
‘ i LI ij c3 TREV1Y1E (Arthur). Hall Lnarks & date letters. 38 [or rather )40]. Illustrations and tables. 8°. London, l953?J
Card ID: 71
Author: E (Non Arthur)
3 SJG ‘16 cit ference only CIThThE (Non Arthur)0 Citrne ‘s Trade union law. Third edition. M.A. Ilickling. Iith a foreword by the Right EOn. Viscount Dilhorne. pt,. lxiv, 772. Ix>ndon, 1967.
Card ID: 457
Author: E (: Arthur Conan)
DOYI,E (: Arthur Conan).: Sir Nigel. pp. viii. + 394. 8. London, 1950.
Card ID: 395
Author: E (&r Arthur Conan)
Dep EOflE (&r Arthur Conan). See DJ1G (Friedrich). Sherlock Eolmee, I.ffles und thre Vorbilder ein Beitrag zur itwick1unga ges chichto und c!nik dr Krinxlnalerzahlurig. Heide1berg 19111..
Card ID: 407
Author: E (Arthur Norman)
ELI Hol flOLCObE (Arthur Norman). A Strate of peace in a chaDging yorld. pp. (8) + 332. 80 Cambridge, Mass., 1967.
Card ID: 309
Author: E (Arthur Gotfred)
111E (Arthur Gotfred). Orn Assyriens his tone og sproget i de assyriske indsknifter fra den 1dste tid og ned til Tiglatpileser I., ca. 1100 f.Kr, [Thesis: University of Copenhagen. iiith a bibliography.] pp. 116. 8°. Gopenhagçn, 1921.
Card ID: 431
Author: E (Arthur 5mueI)
PEA1E (Arthur 5mueI). The Bible: its origin, its significance, and its abiding worth6..Eighth edition6 pp.xxxvi.+ 0 8 . Loucon, 19236
Card ID: 172
Author: PLAISTED (Arthur E{enry)
H\I\J1V PLAISTED (Arthur E{enry). The Parsons and parish registers of Methuenham, Buckinghamshire. pp. xv. + 481. portraits, Diates, illustration, facsimile.s and tables, 8°. Ld6n, 1932.
Card ID: 430
Author: SHEPHERD (Arthur Peare e)
SHEPHERD (Arthur Peare e). Marriage was made for man: a study of the problem of marriage and divorce in relation to the Church of England. pp. 112. 8°. London, 1958.
Author: GARDNER (E±ne s t Arthur)
DEPOSITORY GARDNER (E±ne s t Arthur) G-reece and the £&ean...With a preface by Sir R. Rod.d and. a chapter on Constautinople byS. Casson. jWith a bibliography.] pp. 253. Plates and. a folded map. 0 6 • london, [1936.]
Card ID: 35