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E Albert a:e |k:on (e) (7)
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E, Albert
E, George Albert
E, Albert Pen Syck
E, Prosper and TNOIP, Albert
HUEBNER, Kurt ar ME?E, Albert
E, Albert arie Victor and ILAND, Cbirles Godfrey
Author: E (Albert)
TEC3Y DE LA MARCrE (Albert). Se PRIS • SoO ót ‘i. Ac1 ens Te5t es Freno ai s Le ystre de S. ornard e enor. P’hló A.Leooy de la Marche, _____ l°88.
Card ID: 298
‘C C TOURIiAThE (Albert). Cee ATHENS cole Franaise dIAthnes. Fouilles de Deiphes. II. Topographie et architecture. Re1evs et restaurations, par A. TOurnaire. Paris, 1902.
Card ID: 30
Author: E (George Albert)
93 000T Card ID: 296
Card ID: 296
Author: E (Albert Pen Syck)
- folio 33 VLb$ GARt*[E (Albert Pen Syck). History of water color painting in America. pp. i6o. Plates an illustrations. obi. fol. New York, 1966. The plates are included. in the pagination.
Card ID: 3
Author: E (Prosper) and TNOIP (Albert)
MThE (Prosper) and TNOIP (Albert). Architecture militaire au moyen-ge. Paris, 8432 [Revised edition.) Paris, 185’?. 3ee FRAICE. [Appendix. - History and. Politics.] Collection de documents iMd.its sur l’histoire de France, etc. [No. llOa. flSTRUCTIONS. Instructions, etc.)
Card ID: 281
Author: HUEBNER (Kurt) ar4 ME?E (Albert)
DEPOSITORY HUEBNER (Kurt) ar4 ME?E (Albert). Natur und Geschichte: X. d.eutacher Kongrees tir Philosophie, Kiel, 8.-12. Oktober 1972. Herausgegeben von Kurt H(ner und Albert Menne. Hamburg, 1973. See GERMANY. Miscellaneous Subheadings. Deutschec Kongress r Philosophic.
Card ID: 267
Author: E (Albert 1arie Victor) and ILAND (Cbirles Godfrey)
BARR!J?E (Albert 1arie Victor) and ILAND (Cbirles Godfrey). A Dictionary of slang, jargon & cant: embracing English, American, and. AngloIndian slang, pidgin English, gypsies’ jargon and other irregular phraseology, etc. (Revised edition.) 2 vole. 0 8. London, 1697.
Card ID: 196