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DYSON Anthony Edward a:in thomas|k:thomas (for) (5)
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DYSON, Anthony Edward
GOX, Charles Brian and DYSON, Anthony Edward
COX, Charles Brian and DYSON, Anthony Edward
Author: DYSON (Anthony Edward)
Cox (Ciar1es Brian) and DYSON (Anthony Edward). Four: PhilIp Laricin, Thom Gurin, R.S .Thomas, Ted Hu8hes. [An antbo1or.](Se1ected by C.B.Cox and A.E.Dyon. ) (Critical Quarterly Poetry Supplernnt 9.) pp. 22. 80. [London, 1968). Catalogued from the wrapper. [Another copy.)
Card ID: 12
DYSON (Anthony Edward). See COX (Charles B.) and DYSON (Anthony E.) Engiih poetry now. Edited by C.B.Cox and AE.Dyson, [Hull, 1962].
Card ID: 442
DYSON (Anthony Edward). See COX (Charles B.) and DYSON (Anthony E.) Poetry 1960: an appetiser. An anthology of the best poems by new writers in the ‘50s, new poems by established poets, prize poems. [Selected by C.B.Cox and A.E.Dyson.] [London, 1960).
Card ID: 446
Author: GOX (Charles Brian) and DYSON (Anthony Edward)
YQC ) GOX (Charles Brian) and DYSON (Anthony Edward). Englishpoetry now. Edited by C.B.Cox and A.E. Dyson. A selection of the best poems by modern British writers. (Critical Quarterly Poetry Supplement, 3.) pp. 22. 8°. [Hull, 1962]. Catalogued from the wrapper.
Card ID: 11
Author: COX (Charles Brian) and DYSON (Anthony Edward)
COX (Charles Brian) and DYSON (Anthony Edward). Poetry 1960: an appetiser. An anthology of the best poemsby new writers in the ‘50s, new poems by established poets, prize poems. Iselected by C.B.Cox and A.E.Dyson.] (CriticaI Quarterly Poets ‘6upplèmnt, - 1. ).pp.24. 8. [London, 1960J.
Card ID: 15