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DUVAL Paul Marie a:di paul|k:will (paul) (3)
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DUVAL, Paul Marie
Author: DUVAL (Paul Marie)
- I 1\V\r Di DUVAL (Paul Marie). Los Dieux de la Gaule, etc. [With a bib1iorapbyJ (ythes et Religions, 33.) pp. 135. Illustrations. 0 8 • Paris, 1957.
Card ID: 51
f -r DUVAL (Paul Marie). Lee Inscriptions antiques de Paris, etc. [Complementary thesis: University of Paris. With a bibliography.] 2 vols in 1. Plates, illustrations, maps and tables. 4. Paris, 1961. 1. Texte. 2. Planches.
Card ID: 53
MR*A DUVAL (Paul Marie). La Vie quotidienne en Gaule pendant la paix romaine. %Ier—IIIe.sicies apres J.—C. Lwith a bib1iograp1j.] pp. 36. Iiiustrti.ons. 0 8 . lLParisj, ).152. )
Card ID: 55