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DUODALE Sir William a:a william|k:it (william) (3)



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    Author: DUODALE (Sir William)


    ,s DUODALE (Sir William), Garter King of Armà. See HIJDDERSFIELD, afterwards LEEDS. Yorkshire Archological and Topographical Association , arterw.rds Yorkshire Archological Society. [Record Siesj 9. Abstracts of Yorkshire wills in the time of the Comaonwea1th, at Somerset House, London, chiefly illustrative of Sir William flugclale’ a visitation of Yorkshire in i66—6. [WorksQp printed,1 1890.

    Card ID: 423

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    Author: DUODALE (Sir William)


    I 1 SOCIST rE1c DUODALE (Sir William), Garter Ciig of Arrns. Monastic on. Anglicänum; pr, he History of th ancient abbies, and other monasteries, hospitals, cathedral and collegiate churches, inEngland ar Wales, with divers French, Irish, and Scotch monasteries formerly relating to England. Collected, and published in Latin, by Sir ?1.Dugdale [and R.Dodsworth].:..and now epitomized in English [by J.W. i.e. J.WrightJ, pp. (12) + 331 ÷ (7). Platea. fol. London, 1693. [SEE NEXT CARD. I

    Card ID: 409

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    Author: OUGDALE ( William)


    OUGDALE ( William), Garte_of Arms. Monasticon Anglicanum sive Pandect Ccnobiorum Benedictinorum, Cluniacenslum, Cisterciensium, Carthusianorum, a prinordiis ad. eorum usque dissolutionem... Per R.Dodsworth [&] G.Dugdale, etc. 1682, 61, ‘73. See DODSWORTH (Roger) and DUODALE (Sir L)

    Card ID: 414