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DUNLOP John Charles be (john) (2)



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    Author: DUNLOP (John Charles)


    DEPOSITORY DUNLOP (John Charles) anã. (Alison Hay). The Book of old Edinburgh; with historical accounts of the bui]4ings therein reproduced and anecdotes of Edinburgh life in the olden time...IJ.lustr.tedby William Hole. New edition. pp.xii.+L60. 0• Edinburgh &LondonLl893.

    Card ID: 468

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    Author: No Author available


    NEEU Usa UNITE) S1’ATES OF ANERICA. [Congress. - Temporary National Economic Committee. Investigation of concentration of economic power... Monographis]. [Continued.] 4. Concentration and composition of individual incomes, 1918-1937. ([By) Adolph a. Goldenthal.) 19111. 5. Industrial wage rates, labor costs and price policies. ([By] Douglass V. Bro, Charles A. Myere, John A. Browneil, John P. Dunlop and Edwin M. Nart in. Edited by Douglass V. Brown and Edwin H. Martin. 1942. 6. Export prices and export cartels . ([By] Milton Gilbert LandJ Paul D. Dickens and members of the staff of the Federal Trade Commission1 1940. [SEE NEXT CAJD.]

    Card ID: 99