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DUNIN Alfred John a:john john|k:to (john) (1)



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    Author: DUNIN (Alfred John)


    ‘I ‘V1D V% 1’l_u DUNIN (Alfred John). Hundred of Blackheath. History of the County of Kent...Deptford. pp. 599 [or.rather 60,]. fQrtrts ,p1ate iflustrations facsimie, maps and dias, L.P. 40. i!don, 1877. One of 10 large paper copiesof the complete work issued in. Th7’7. This work forned Vol III. of the_”I{istory 0’ the County of Kent”.. The first sectl..on apDeared in liThe .rchaeo1ogica1 Mine’1, No. 2, 185, the succeeding sections in ltThe Mine”, Nc• 3-. 48. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 397