
Search Term (count):

DTJBOIS Edward a:c “|k:c(c) (2)



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    Author: DTJBOIS (Edward))


    DTJBOIS (Edward)) eDUty1dge of the Middlesex \‘ Court of Recuests. The Wreath, composed of selectiots from Sappho, Theocritus, Bion and llóschus, accompanied by a prose translatior, with notes. To which are added, Remarks on Shakespere, &c, and a comparison between Horace and Lucian. By E. Du Bois. pp. ix. + (3) + 112. Frontispiece. 0 8 . London, 1799. [Another oopy.J B.b L Tee&u.] Bound ina[voium&letteIed Coleman’s, Terence, 1802.

    Card ID: 321

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    Author: DTJBOIS (William Edward urghardt)


    (s) 33 NER r u DTJBOIS (William Edward urghardt). The Philadelphia Negro: a social study. Together with a special report on domestic service by I.Eaton. (Publications of the University of Pennsylvania. Series in Political Economy and Public Law, 14.) pp. xx, 2O. Diagrams, tables and folded plates. Philadelphia, 1899. IA ropin-bJ pp. xx, tables and folded 4Ztes. New York, 1967. L&.ASr,’

    Card ID: 379