DSCO (Joannes de)
£ 3M ‘—E1
SACRO EfDSCO (Joannes de).
Ioannis de Sacrobvsto libelJvs de sphaera. Cum prfacione Philippi Melanth. & nouis quibusdam typis, qui ortus indicant. pp. (104). Diagrams. [Dc M.j
8°. Apud J. Clug: Wittenberg, i4O.
Co1Eation: A—Es., F4 G8,
YJith. a .iaram with tvto movable sections attached, on BZa, and two lacking the movable sections on B0a and Db.
1jth ms. notes in the margins, and 22 p. f ms. notes bound i at the end.
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