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DRIVER Samuel Rolles a:e samuel|k:e (or) (3)
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DRIVER, Samuel Rolles
Author: DRIVER (Samuel Rolles)
onc• DRIVER (Samuel Rolles). Modern research as illustrating the Bible. 1909. LONDON. LIII. Licellaneous Institutions, Societies, t&.] BritAcade £r th Pr ti. X. j1ophical an&PhUoloical The Schweich Lectures on Biblical Archaeology. 1908.
Card ID: 233
i E 1rL DRIVER (Samuel Rolles). A Treatise on the use of the tenses in Hebrew, and some other syntactical questions...Second edition, revised and enlarged. (Clarendon Press Series.) pp. xvi. ÷ 320. 8°. Oxford, 1881.
Card ID: 235
DRIVER (Samuel Rolles). See BIBM. tHebrew.] Bib1ia Hebraica. Adjuvantibus professoribus G. Beer...S,R.Driver [and others], etc. eipzig and Stuttgart, 1905-29.
Card ID: 236