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DRAYTON Michael a:if john|k:in (john) (3)



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    Author: DRAYTON (Michael)


    DRAYTON (Michael). CFor editions of the play’ Sir John O]4castle, attributed to Shakespeare, but more probably by A.Munday, M.Drayton, R.Wilson and R.Hathwaye:] See SHAKESPEARE (William). [Works attributed to Shakespeare. — Sir John O].dcastle.J’

    Card ID: 283

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    Author: DRAYTON (Michael)


    STERLING LIBRARY REFERENCE ONLY DRAYTON (Michael). Poly—olbion. {With ‘illustrations, or notes, by John Selden.) (The second part, or a continuance of Poly—olbion from the eighteenth sons, etc.) 2 vole in 1. Portrait maps and igrarns. fol. Printed for M.Iownes, I.Browne, I.Helnie, I.Busbie (Printed by A.Mathewes for IJ!arriott, I. Grisniand, and .Dewe): London, [16112. Eirst edition, first issuet of part 1; first editi’‘ [SEE NEXT CARD. J

    Card ID: 277

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    Author: No Author available


    1 L-] -frc. 3. 1o DRAYTON (Michael). Poly—olbion, etc. [Continued.] tAnother issue of both parts.] A chorographicall description.. . of Great Brjtain...Diuided into two bookes, the latter containing twelue songs, neuer before imprinted. Digested into ,a poem ..,Tith a table added, etc. [With the ‘illustrations’ to part I by John Selden.J 2 parts in I vol. Portrait, nzaos and diagrams. [D.—L.L.J fol. Printed for I.Marriott, I.Grismand, anu_T.L)ewe:JoncLon, 9b2. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 279