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DRAYSON, Alfred Wilks
Author: DRAYSON (Alfred Wilks)
EPOiTO! DRAYSON (Alfred Wilks). The Cause of the supposed proper motion of the fixed stars, and an explanation of the apparent acceleration of the moon’s mean motion...A sequel to the Glacial Epoch. pp. xxiv. + 311. Diagrams. 0 8 . London, 1874.
Card ID: 245
DRAYSON (Alfred Wilks). Important facts & calculations for the consideration of astronomers and eo1ogists. pp. 40. Diagrams. 8°. London, 1896. Catalogued from the
Card ID: 246
DRAYSON (Alfred Wilks). See LII’IDSAY (J • L.), 26th Earl of Crawford & 9th Earl of Baloarres. Tables for asoertaining the factor of a billiard p1ayr, based on Iajor— General Draysoz-i s suggestions in his work Billiards”, pp.. 76—84. Wian. 1890.
Card ID: 248