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DRAPER, John William
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Author: DRAPER (John William)
DRAPER (John William), Ph.D., Harvard. The “Othel1o’ of Shakespeare’s audience. pp. 246. Frontispiece and tables. 8°. Paris, 1952.
Card ID: 202
DRAPER (John William), M.D.. .LL. D. A History of the intellectual develoDient of Europe...Revised diton. (Bohn’s Phi oaDhica1 Lihrrzv.) 2 vols. Li. I. J 80. London, 1875.
Card ID: 196
DRAPER (John William), M.D., LL.D. Htunn physiology, etatical and dynamical; or, the Conditions and course of the life of man. • .Il1ustrate with.. .wood engravings. pp. xvi. + 649. Tables. [G.G.J 8. 1ew York, 1856.
Card ID: 197
Author: No Author available
-. DRAPER (John William). Ph.D., Harvar4. .A Century of broadside elegies: being ninety English and ten Scotch broadsides illustrating the biography and manners of the seventeenth century. Photographically reproduced and edited with an introduction and notes by J.W. Draper. pp. xviii. + 229. 0 4 . London, 1928. o._lL9 o’ an edition limited to 275 copies.
Card ID: 198
I. DRAPER (John William), Ph.D. Harvai’d. The LHarnletl of Shakespeare’s audience. (Duke University b1ications.) pp. xi. + 254. 8°. Durham, N.C., 1938.
Card ID: 200
vvq CP.c.) DRAPER (John William), Ph.D.. Harvard. Rhyme in the PaciCic. (West Virginia Univel’sity Eiilletin, Series 60, No.2—i, August 1959.) pp. 29. g0 Morgantown, W.Va., 1959.
Card ID: 204