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DOUGLAS Sir George Brisbane george (george) (6)
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DOUGLAS, Sir George Brisbane
DOUGLAS, Sir George Brisbane Scott
DOUGLAS, j George Brisbane Scott
IAS, Sir George Brisbane Scott
No Author available
Author: DOUGLAS (Sir George Brisbane)
SCOTT-DOUGLAS (Sir George Brisbane), Bart. See DOUGLêS.
Card ID: 461
Author: DOUGLAS (Sir George Brisbane Scott)
KLWS Dou DOUGLAS (Sir George Brisbane Scott), Dart. Scottish fairy and folk tales. Selected. and edited, with an ittroduction, by Sir George Douglas, Bart. Twelve illustrations by James Torrance. rA facsimile reprint of the 1896 edition.] pp. xcd, 301. Wakefield, 1977.
Card ID: 324
Author: DOUGLAS (j George Brisbane Scott)
“p DOUGLAS (j George Brisbane Scott), Contemporary Scottish verse. Edited with an introduction by Sir 0. Douglas. nterbuw_.) pp. xxii. + 348 0 16 • London, Ll89..2
Card ID: 321
; 1L)frt N DOUGLAS (Sir George Brisbane Scott), Bart. See MAULE (Fox), afterwards RAMSAY (Fox M.), Earl of Dalhousie. The Panmure papers: being a selection from the correspondence of Fox Maule, second Baron Panzaure, afterwards eleventh Earl of Daihousie. Edited by Sir G.Douglas, Bart. and Sir G.D. Ramsay, etc. London, 1908.
Card ID: 326
Author: IAS (Sir George Brisbane Scott)
DEPO91’ DOUT}IAS (Sir George Brisbane Scott), See TAYLOR (I. A.). The Lite of jam,s IV.With an introduction by Sir G. Douglas. London, 1913.
Card ID: 327
Author: No Author available
) t>t.1 e4j DOUGLAS George Brisbane Soott), Bart. Poems of the Scottish minor poets, from the age of flSmsay to David Gray, selected and edited with an introduotl,on and notes, by Sir 0 Douglas. (The Canterbury Pj.) pp. xlii. + 327. - 8°. Lonclon. C1891.)
Card ID: 323