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DOS Charles in (charles) (9)



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    Author: DOS (Charles)


    ‘It’ K DU DOS (Charles). What is literature? pp. xi. + 124. 8°. Iondon, 1940.

    Card ID: 429

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    Author: SHAW (Charles)


    NJMY DOS Sha SHAW (Charles), of Boston, .seachusetts. A Topographical and historical description of Boston from the first settlement of the town to the present period, with some account of its environs • pp. 311. Frontispiece. 12°. Boston, 1817.

    Card ID: 20

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    Author: THUROT (Charles)


    A,, [w:QTZ THUROT (Charles). De la prononoiation française depuis le commencement a.u XVIe siècle, d’aprês les témoinages dos grammariens. 2 vole. 8°. Paris, 1881—83.

    Card ID: 142

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    Author: BOXER (Charles Ralph)


    iS’ss ftr’ BOXER (Charles Ralph). A Propdsito dum livrinho zilogrfico dos Jesuitas de Pequim, século XVIII: ensayo hist6rico. [With a bibliography.] pp. 20. fsimiles. 8°. Macao, 1947.

    Card ID: 42

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    Author: BAILEY (Joseph Cannon)


    BAILEY (Joseph Cannon). See ORTK (Charles Lniel). Administering research and development: the behavior of scientists and engineers in organiaations. [By) C.D.Orth, J.C.Bailey [and] F.W.Wolek. 80. [lt,n%IonJ, 1965. DOS)T0 RY

    Card ID: 79

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    Author: CHOPIN (Cyril Arthur John)


    CHOPIN (Cyril Arthur John). Charles Du Bos and modem French literary criticism: a biographical and psychological study of Charles Du Dos, and an examination of his arAinist conception of literary criticism. [With a bib].io— graphy. Typewritten thesis submitted for the degree of’ Ph.D. of the University of London in 1955.1 (1) + v. + 615 leaves. 4. 1955.

    Card ID: 124

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    Author: No Author available


    EMILI! Consort of Henry Charles, Prino do Parente. Portrait de Madarrie la Prinoesse de Ta.rente fait par elle—mme à La Haye, 1656. See MICHAUD (J. F.andPOUJOULA!1 (J. J F.). Nouvello collection dos m4rnoires re1otits a i’liistoire do France, j, Vol. XCVIII. pp. 527 528. Paris, 1857.

    Card ID: 267

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    Author: SURIENNE (François de)


    Msr Dos SURIENNE (François de).. See BOSSUAT (Andr). Perrinet Gressart. et François de Surienne, agents de 1’ Angleterre: contribution a i’ etude des relations de 1’ Aiigleterre et de la Bourgogne avec la France, sous le rgne de Charles VII. 8°. Paris, 1936.

    Card ID: 312

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    Author: AUD (Joseph Fraricois)


    PosrioRI’ d MICI{AUD (Joseph Fraricois) and POUJOtJLAa?.(J. J. Nouvelle oolleotion des mdmoires relatifs i’bistoire de Eranoe,fl. (oontd ). 2. ris.aItO)irLiUleiisiE IeLfvre deifsis cC bcnneirneurs a ge toy Charles V. Part2. “ Fiwc&t caletw .niI Politicj Indkatlun anislvtbjuc dn da,uzuunte poor Lou dutEéccds rugues depuis Sant Louis juaqu’ a Chants V. thcluaivemefl 1K Mnwou.n Di) Bouoto&tJt (Jea,j), Xarskai V Praiaec. La Litre dos blots do boa )fessirc Jcnu Lu lduüigru, tilt Buuuinub. JtrvJtsJL Dra tasnrs (Jean), successively Bishop of Bentais, and of Lw,, cad AnkbUhoy of RAcists. Efstoiro do Obstica Vi., Boy tic France, et dee choecs nicrnucabtou advcuuGe dunn quanhstotlcuE -auntices do son règac. depuis 138 juaqucs A 1422. inns (Pierre de). )fémoirca tie P. do Pcnin (sur I. règae tie Cbsrlea VI.). Cwsnun Vi, El ug ef Fraser. Journal dun bourgeois do Paris (aous lo rtqnc tie Chance fl DtdLUon analytique doe dóoumusats reiatils air rZiguo do CbarIesVL). . .J.

    Card ID: 14