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DONOVAN John a:on john|k:0799 (8)
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DONOVAN, John Wesley
DONOVAN, Joeph John
Author: DONOVAN (John)
XCDC Ocio 0’ DONOVAN (John), irish Scholar. A Grammar of the Irish laiiguse published for the use of the senior classes in the College of St. Coluiiibs. pp. lxxxviii. + 80. Dublin, 181#5.
Card ID: 104
o ‘DONOVAN (John), Irish Schoar. DUBLIN. Celtic Society. L€.6ho. N -Ceo-Z; or, the ook of rights. Now for the first time edited, with translation nd notes, by J.O’Donovan. Dublin, 1847.
Card ID: 105
O’DONOVAN (John), shçho1. See DUBLIN. Irish Aroho1ogioa1 Society. The Banquet of Dun Na N-Qedh and the battle of Liagh Rath...with a translation and. note3 by J. O’Donovan. Dublin, 1842.
Card ID: 106
cio J O’DONOVAN (John), Ir±h Scholar. See DUBLIN. Irish Archaeolocal Society. The Iviartyrology of Donegal: a calendar of the saints of Ireland. Translated from thc original Irish [of M. O’Clery] by J.O’Dono— van. Edited, with the Irish text, by J. R. Todd and by W. Reeves. Dublin, 1864.
Card ID: 107
°c- 6 l;t- (tiJ Ji’cj O’DONOVAN (John), Irish Scholar. beG DUBLIN. Irish Archoi,ica1 society. Tracts relabing to Ireland, ete. Vol. 1. (The Circuit of Ireland... A poem written in the year DCCCCXLII by Cormacan Eigeas...Yith a translation and notes by J. O’Donov&i.) 1841.
Card ID: 108
[ii 14cC4j-oC Yc I O’DONOVAN (John), Iris1 ScholarL See DUBLIN. Irish Archoiogica1. Society. The Tribes andcustoms of Hy—Many... Now first published...With a translation and J.O’Donovan. Dublin, 1853.
Card ID: 109
Author: DONOVAN (John Wesley)
DONOVAN (John Wesley). Tact in court. Sixth enlarged edition, containing sketches of cases won by art, skill, courage and eloquence, with examples of trial work by the best advocates and hints on law speeches. pp. viii. + 182. 80. London, 191.
Card ID: 37
Author: DONOVAN (Jo8eph John)
j/ j DONOVAN (Jo8eph John). La Faussetë des vertus humaines de facques Esprit, 1611-16’78: le livre, 3.’auteur et son milieu. [With a bibliography. Typewritten thesis submitted for the degree of LA. o the University of London in 1950.] (4) + 156 leaves. [In English.] 4°. 1950.
Card ID: 39