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DONALD edward David it (david) (3)



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    Author: DONALD (Edward David)


    1ic DONALD (Edward David). An Example o, p].aiarism wxong aiabethrn pemhe.t.Samne1R w1aflds’ Gz’eenes Ghost Conie— catchers. Bloomington, 1911. See BLOOI(INQPON (INDIANA). Indiana Universit3. Indiana University etud.ies, etc. Vol.1. No.11.

    Card ID: 158

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    Author: DONALD (edward David)


    mcDONALD (Edward David). A ibiicraphy of the writings of D.H. Lawrence...With a foreword by D.M. Lawrence. (Centaur Bjb1iograhies. No. 6.) pp 145 + (1). Prflt. 0 8. Phi1adeja, 1925. 392 o_5Q9_coies Qrixj. — The Writings of D.H. Lawrence, 1925—1930: a bibliographical supplement. Bibliograuhies. No. 10.) pp. 134 + (2). Facsimil. ‘. 1931. 110. 148oL352 rin.

    Card ID: 156

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    Author: No Author available


    ENGLAND. Miscellaneous Subheadings. Leukaemia Research Fund. Annual Guest Lecturetsj. [Continued.] (cci) 8. PINKEL (Donald). Treatnent of acute lymphocytic leukeniia...1973. H1L.c ) 9. MCALF (Donald). The Nature of myeloid leukaemia...1973. ic (C’c .‘ 10. SCHWARTZ (Robert S.) Autoirninunity and leukaernia. 1975. 11. SELIGNANN (Maxirne). Lymphocyte membrane markers in ‘ ( human leukaemias and lyrnphomas..,1976. FiC.c.i) 12. WEJSS (Robin). Transmieion and expression of leukaemia viruses...1977. (pr i) 13. GALTON (David Abraham Goiten) and KAY (Humphrey Edward Melville). U.K. ).eukaemia clinical trials fr children and adults... 1q28. LF’urther volumes will be found in the Lew Catalogue)

    Card ID: 578