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DOHERTY Joseph Michael a:in joseph|k:in (joseph) (2)



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    Author: DOHERTY (Joseph Michael)


    folio 53 KTY Doh DOHERTY (Joseph Michael). Residential preferences for urban environment in the United States. (London School of Ecónoaiics and Political Science. Graduate Shoo1 of Geography, Discussion Papers, 29.,) pp. 15. Diagrams. London., 1968.

    Card ID: 300

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    Author: No Author available


    LONDON. [III.) University of London. London School of Economics. and Political Science. Graduate School of Geography. Discussion paper[sJ. [Volumes in this series are fully catalogued under their authbrs.J c.ls3c- ç:0S3r1 15. EYLES (John D.) The Inhabitants’images of Hig1gate vill London: an example of a perception measurement technique. 1968. jclc tce CCflf i8. DENMAN (Chris). Attitudes toward the environment: ailyses of aspects of the environment in a social setting. 1968. ss 29. DOHERTY (Joseph Michael). Residential preferences for urh environments in the United States, 1968. [SEE NEXT CRRD.J

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