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DOELLINGER Johann Joseph Ignaz von a:l ‘/i|k:l (‘i) (4)



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    Author: DOELLINGER (Johann Joseph Ignaz von)


    ‘J ‘1- DOELLINGER (Johann Joseph Ignaz von), Professor of Theology at ilunich. Briefe und ErklIrunen...1ber die Vaticanischen Decrete, 1869—18t7. CEdited, with a preface, by F.H.Reusch.] pp. viii. + 163. 8°. l4unich, 1890. sound in_a volume 1ettezed: Kobell. Döllinger.

    Card ID: 186

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    Author: DOELLINGER (Johann Joseph Ignaz von)


    PFC - Doe DOELLINGER (Johann Joseph Ignaz von), ProfessorofThepjIunich. Heidenthum urid Judenthum. Vorhalle zur Geschichte des Chris tenthums, etc. A reprint of the 1857 edition pp.xxiv, 8e. 1968.

    Card ID: 188

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    Author: DOELLINGER (Johann Joseph Ignaz von)


    DOELLINGER (Johann Joseph Ignaz von), Profissar of Theology_atjAunich. ICleinere Sohriften gedrukte dimgedruckte. . . Gesammelt und herausgegeben von F. H. Reusch. pp. viii. ÷ 6o8. 8°. Stuttgart, 1890,

    Card ID: 191

  • card

    Author: DOELLINGER (Johann Joseph Ignaz von)


    DOELLINGER (Johann Joseph Ignaz von), Professor of Theo1o at .1unich. [Die Papst-FaYn.- EnEliSh.] Fables respecting the Popes of the Middle Ages: a contribution to ecclesiastical history... Translated, with introduction and appendices, by A. Piumrner. pp. lxiv. + 302. [L. I.] 80. London, 1871. Wanting the half—title.

    Card ID: 193