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DODSON James a:de william|k:it (william) (7)
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OUNTAINE, wiiian and DODSON, James
Author: DODSON (James)
rsLy J’6-z ,o, DODSON (James). The Accountant; or, the Method of book—keeping, deduced from clear principles, and illustrated by a variety of exmples. pp. xii. + viii. + (224). Tables. [De M.J 4. London, 1750. Collation: A4 a2 b4 A-Z4 :Aa—Ee4. Each_set of accounts has sarate_pagination.
Card ID: 37
L° (,F: ] DODSON (James). Extract of a letter from Mr. J. Dodson to Mr. William Mountaiae...Réad July 5, 1753. [Excerpt from the Philosophical Transactions, Vol. XLVIIt., Part 1.] pp. 273—84. (De M.] 4°. [London, 1754]. Catalogued from the caption.
Card ID: 40
‘kcL Lt DODSON (James). The Llathernatica.I repository: containing analytical solutions of near five hundred questions...The second edition. 3 vols. LD.M.] l2. ‘ondon, l753-75. Vol.1 only is of the second edition.
Card ID: 41
DODSON (James). A Table of the square and cube roots of the natural numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, &c, to 180: being Table XIX. of J.Dodson’s valuable tables of computation, intitled. The calculator, that were published in the year l7Lj.7. MAS1S (p.) The Doctrine of permutations and conbinations, etc. pp. 591—592. London, 1795.
Card ID: 42
DODSON (James). See 1OUNTAINE (w.) and DODSON (j.) An Account of the methods used to describe lines on Dr. Halley’s chart of the terraqueous globe, etc. kondo, 1758.
Card ID: 44
L DODSON (James). WINGAT IE. Mr. Wingate’s arithmetick, etc. —A Plain and. familiar method. for attaining the icnoviledge and practice of uoffitaofl arithraetic ..The eighteenth edition...[dited.i by J. todson. London, iy5l —.Theknineteenth,editionr...IEditedj by J. £kdson....-. - Fon,i76O.
Card ID: 45
Author: OUNTAINE (wi1iian) and DODSON (James)
Ls OUNTAINE (wi1iian) and DODSON (James). An Account of the methods used to describe lines on Dr. Halley’s chart of the terraguecus globe, pp. i8. Tables. FOe M.j 0 4 . ondon, 175 Bound with Dodsoi: The Calculator. No. 3 copy.
Card ID: 174