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DODGE Theodore Ayrault a:in julius|k:in (julius) (2)



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    Author: DODGE (Theodore Ayrault)


    LUS Dod DODGE (Theodore Ayrault). Caesar: a history of the art of war anng the Romans down to the end. of the Roman &ipire, with a detailed account of the campaigns of Caius Julius Caesar, etc. (Roman Life and Times Series, 19.) 2 vols. Portrait, illustrations, diagrams, maps, plans and chronological table;.. 80. New York, 1963. A reprint of a work originally published in 1892 as a volume of the author’s ‘Great Captains’.

    Card ID: 471

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    Author: No Author available


    LUS Dod. CAESPJ (Caiu8 Julius). lAppendix.] See DODGE (Theodore Ayrault). Caesar: a history of the art of war among the Rouisrw down to the end of the Roman npire, with a detailed account of the campaigns of Caius Julius Caesar, etc. 8°. New York, 1963.

    Card ID: 68