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DOBELL, Percy John
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Author: DOBELL (Percy John)
fsj C116182[Dobeil) Reference only DOBELL (Percy John). The Uterature of the Restoration: being a collection of the poetical and dramatic literature produced between the years 1660 aM 1700, with particular reference to the ‘writings of John Dryden. Described and annotated by P.J.Dobell. [A priced catalogue.) pp. vi. + 101. 8. London, 1918. With some MS. annotations.
Card ID: 64
Author: No Author available
[s] 016.82 [Dàbell] Reference only DRYDEN (John). [Appendix.] See DOBELL (Percy John). The Literature of the Restoration: being a coilection of the poetical aid dramatic literature produced between the years 166o aid 1700, with particular reference to the writings of John Dryden. Described and annotated by P.J.Dobell. [A priced catalogue.] • London, 1918.
Card ID: 245
[] ta6.8 [Dôbell] Reference only. DOBELL (Percy Join). Books of the time of the Restoration: being a collection of plays, poems and prose works produced. between the years i66o and 1700, by the contemporaries of John Dryden. Described and amiotated by P.J.Dobeil, eta. [A priced catalogue.) pp. 56. 8’. London, 1920. Catalogued from the wrapper.
Card ID: 63