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DILWORTH Thomas a:c 3 |k:c(c) (3)



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    Author: DILWORTH (Thomas)


    • CL - DILWORTH (Thomas). Miscellaneous arithmetic; o.r, a Full account of the new calendar, with: the several uses of logarithms, and of multiplication and division by mOny •), &c. In seven parts. Containing I. A brief account of the festivals arid fasts of the J.ewjsh and Chxistian churches... II. A diss.ertation concerning years, mønths, &c. ...Rules for.finding the golden number, epact, &c., etc. pp. 257 +(3). Portrait, diagrams and tables. [De M.j 12°. London, l77.

    Card ID: 642

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    Author: DILWORTH (Thomas)


    1L ‘r ‘‘‘- DILWORTH (Thomas). A New guide to the English tongue.,.A new edition, corrected. pp. 155. Portrait and illustrations. 8°. London, 1797.

    Card ID: 643

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    Author: DILWORTH (Thomas)


    L-t DILWORTH (Thomas). The Schoolmasters assistant: being a compendium of arithmetic...To which is prefixt an essay on the education of youth.. .The ninth edition. pp. xv. ÷ (9) + 168. Portrait and tables. 12°. London, 1758. The tenth edition. pp. xv. + (9) + 168. Portrait and tables. 12°. London, 1760. (- A.1r7 The nineteenth edition, etc. pp. xiv. + (10) +192. Portrait an tables. [De.M.) .2°. London, 1776. [SEE FTEXT CARD. J

    Card ID: 644