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DIDEROT Denis and ALEMBERT Jean LeRond di a:at jean|k:0317 (1)



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    Author: DIDEROT (Denis) and ALEMBERT (Jean LeRond di)


    DIDEROT (Denis) And Alembert (Jean LeRond di). [Encyclopedic. - tracts.) Le Philosophe: texts And interpretation. By H.Dieckitiann. [The text of the article tiPhilosophell from the I!Encyclopédiet together with three versions of the work from other sources And a discussion of its authorship And influence. Variously attribtzted to D.Diderot azd others.] 1948. • SAINT LOUIS (MIsSOURI). Washington University. Washington Univeity studies. New series. Language And literature. No. 18.

    Card ID: 468