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DICKINS Richard a:an richard|k:0740 (3)
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DICKINS, Richard
Author: DICKINS (Richard)
DICKINS (Richard). Forty years of Shakespeare on the English stage,Augustl867to August 1907: a student’s memories. pp.157. 8°. [London? 1907].
Card ID: 448
IHicP DICKINS (Richard). The Character of Hanilet as it appears to RIchard Dickins. pp. 19. 8°. [ 1905). Catalogued from the wrap oer. Bound in 8 volume lettered: Pamphlets on Shakesveare. Dickins.
Card ID: 449
yI4I DICKINS (Richard). The Daughter of Brabantio.. pp. 26. 80 [ 1905)... from the wrapper. Bound in a volume lettered; Painohiets on $hakare.Diëkins.
Card ID: 450