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DICKINS Bruce a:on bruce|k:on (bruce) (8)
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EALLIDAY, Wilfrid Joseph and DICKINS, Bruce
No Author available
WILSON, Richard Middlewood
Author: DICKINS (Bruce)
YD 8725 938 DICKINS (Bruce). See CONFLICT. The Conflict of wit & will: fragnents of a Middle English afliterative poan, now first edited by Bruce Dickins, Leeds, 1937.
Card ID: 440
Author: EALLIDAY (Wilfrid Joseph) and DICKINS (Bruce)
EALLIDAY (Wilfrid Joseph) and DICKINS (Bruce). Yorkshire dialect prose. (Edited by W.J. Halliday and B.Dickins.) pp. 24. 8°. Leeds, 1944. Catalogued from the wravDer. a’ S.
Card ID: 709
Author: No Author available
‘Vs (Pci) DICK.INS (Bruce). HALLIDAY (Wilfrjd J.) and DICKINS (Bruce). Yorkshire dialect prose. -(Edited ‘by W.J.Halliday and B.Dickins.) eeds, 1944.
Card ID: 442
CC,L?. [rth L1j FAIRBANK (Alfred John) and DICKINS (Bruce). The Italic hand in Tudor Cambridge. Forty—one examples introduced and described by A. Fairbank and B. Dickins. Ewith a bibliography.] (Cambridg Bib1ioraphica1 Society Monograph, 5.) pp. viii. + 52. Facsimiles. 8°. London, 1962.
Card ID: 335
CC.2_ DIOKINS (Bruce). FAIRBANK (Alfred John) and DICKI1{S (B.) The Italic hand in Tudor Cambridge. Forty—one examples introduced and described by A. Pairbanic and 3. Dickins. London, 1962.
Card ID: 441
Author: WILSON (Richard Middlewood)
3 “- WILSON (Richard Middlewood). See DICKINS (Bruce) and Wfl1SON (Richard M.) Early Middle English texts. Edited by B.Dickins and R.M.Wiison. Cambrj4ge, 1951. • L —— (Third iznrn’ession...revised.),, LonaQn, 1956.
Card ID: 104
YD S125 938 CONFLICT. The Conflict of wit & wiU: franents of a Middle English alliterative poen, ni first edited by Bruce Dickins. (Leeds School of English Languagev Texts and Monographs, ii.) pp. 26. Leeds, 1937. Bound with ‘Sawles ward’; Texts and. Monographs, 3.
Card ID: 210
CA!J3RIDGE. Cambridge Bibliographical Society. Monograph[s]. [Continued.) Lt. 1UNTER (RobertL.)A Hand—list of Irish newspapers, 16851750. 1960. CC252 5. FAIRBANK (Alfred J.) and DICKINS ( Bruce). The Itljc hand, in Tudor Cambridge. 1962. 6. TREPT0I (Otto). John Siberch, Johaniz Lair von Sieburg...Abridged and edited by J.Morris and T.Jonea. 1970. 7. JAMIESON (Sleanore). Engli3h embossed bind.ngs, 1825— 1850. 1972. Cc*iPoTER [sss i{EXT CARD.] CArA LO1
Card ID: 342